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The Sims: Unleashed
Claire Charming
TS1 Claire Charming
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Claire is known for her quick wit and a keen understanding of biotechnology. In her spare time she likes to do volunteer work and listen to live music
Education and employment
Career Medicine career Paramedic
Family Charming family
Marital status Single
Pets Luna Charming
Zodiac sign Libra (sign) Libra
Hair color TS2 Red Hair Red
Skin color Skin-medium Medium
Body shape Fit Fit
Other information
Game The Sims: Unleashed
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Old Town


Claire Charming is a pre-made playable Sim residing in Old Town, the neighborhood shipped with The Sims: Unleashed. She lives in a small house with her dog, Luna. She is a Paramedic in the Medical career track. She wears a yellow tank top with blue jeans.

While Luna did not reappear in The Sims 2, The Sims 3 or The Sims 4, it is possible to recreate her. If she had appeared in The Sims 2, it is likely she would have been very late in the adult life stage, or she could have been an elder. In the Sunset Valley/Riverview timeframe for The Sims 3, she would probably have just become a child, or be a toddler who was close to becoming a child.


Sloppy 2 Neat
Shy 7 Outgoing
Lazy 4 Active
Serious 4 Playful
Grouchy 8 Nice

TS1Interests Travel Travel 0
TS1Interests Money Money 0
TS1Interests Politics Politics 0
TS1Interests The60's The 60's 0
TS1Interests Weather Weather 0
TS1Interests Sports Sports 0
TS1Interests Music Music 0
TS1Interests Outdoors Outdoors 0
TS1Interests Exercise Exercise 1
TS1Interests Food Food 4
TS1Interests Parties Parties 9
TS1Interests Fashion Style 9
TS1Interests Hollywood Hollywood 4
TS1Interests Technology Technology 0
TS1Interests Romance Romance 0

The Charming family
Claire - Luna