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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 3
Christopher Steel
Christopher Steel
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Young-Adult Young Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Christopher Steel is lucky by nature. Things have always come easily for him, which is starting to get boring. Now that he's in a brand new town with no friends or job, how will he fare?
Education and employment
Career Unemployed Unemployed
Family Steel family
Marital status Single
Traits Trait Great Kisser small Great Kisser
Trait Angler small Angler
Trait Natural Cook small Natural Cook
Trait Daredevil small Daredevil
Trait Friendly small Friendly
Lifetime wish LTW Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium
Favorites Fav Indie Indie
Fav Pancakes Pancakes
Fav Lime Lime
Hair color Haircolor3-TS3 Brown
Eye color Eye-blue Blue
Skin color Light skin-TS3 Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS3 Icon The Sims 3
Playability Playable
World Sunset Valley

Christopher Steel is a pre-made young adult Sim residing in Sunset Valley, the neighborhood shipped with The Sims 3. He lives by himself and is one of- if not- the newest residents in town. When first played, he is 21 days away from aging up into an adult.

Christopher is a new guy in Sunset Valley, having moved here presumably because he is lucky by nature, despite lacking the lucky trait.

Christopher is an acquaintance of the Andrews household, who he lives across the road from, but does not know anyone else. He starts off with two points in the fishing skill and is unemployed. He carries two books, Cooking Vol. 1: Too Much Salt! and The Adventures of Raymundo in his inventory.

The Steel home[]

Garden Cottage- 2 bedrooms, 1 bath.

"This romantic, Victorian cottage has an easy, 1 story floor plan. The back porch overlooks a sizable yard that would be perfect for the do-it-yourself gardener."


W fishing skill Fishing 2
W fishing skill Fishing 2

Victoria Andrews Victoria Andrews Acquaintance Acquaintance
Beau Andrews Beau Andrews Acquaintance Acquaintance
Victoria Andrews Victoria Andrews Acquaintance Acquaintance
Beau Andrews Beau Andrews Acquaintance Acquaintance

Book Skills Cooking1 Cooking Vol. 1: Too Much Salt! §50
Book General Childrens The Adventures of Raymundo §50
Book Skills Cooking1 Cooking Vol. 1: Too Much Salt! §50
Book General Childrens The Adventures of Raymundo §50


  • The name Christopher is of Greek origin and means Christ-bearer. Steel is a hard, strong, and durable alloy of iron and carbon.
  • Christopher shares his surname with Mike Steel, a deceased Sim in Strangetown from The Sims 2. He also shares the last name with Donnovan Steel, from Lucky Palms. It is unknown whether they have any connection to each other.
  • Christopher was originally named Christopher Peak, as seen in the filename for his Bio.[1]


