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The Sims 2
Chloe Singles
Chloe Singles
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state Alien Alien-Sim hybrid
The complete opposite of her sister, Chloe just wants to meet new people and to have a good time. She can often be found daydreaming or chatting on the phone.
Education and employment
Career Unemployed Unemployed
Family Curious family
Parents Pollination Tech#9 Smith, Glarn Curious Deceased, Glabe Curious DeceasedStep-mother, Jenny Smith Step-mother, Kitty Curious Step-motherDeceased
Siblings Lola Singles Sister, Johnny Smith Step-brother, Jill Smith Step-sister, Jenny Smith Half-sister, Pascal Curious Half-brother, Vidcund Curious Half-brother, Lazlo Curious Half-brother
Marital status Single
Household Singles Household
Roommates Lola Singles Sister, Erin Singles, Kristen Singles
Zodiac sign Cancer Cancer
Aspiration Romance Romance
Hair color TS2 Red Hair Red
Eye color TS2 Black Eyes Black
Skin color Skin-green Green
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Icon The Sims 2
Playability Family bin
Neighborhood Strangetown

Chloe Singles (also known as Chloe Curious) is an alien-Sim hybrid living with her three roommates, Erin Singles, Kristen Singles, and her older sister, Lola Singles. She also has six half-siblings: Johnny Smith, Jill Smith, Jenny Smith, Pascal Curious, Vidcund Curious, and Lazlo Curious. Her alien father Pollination Tech#9 Smith is married to her half-sister, Jenny Smith, who is also the daughter of Glarn Curious, Chloe's human father, and as well as the step-mother of her and Lola.

Despite not being the sisters' biological mother, Glabe Curious raised Lola and Chloe rather than their father Glarn. In fact, neither of the two have memories of him. It is possible that Glabe and Glarn were once married, but divorced and the two were left in her care.

Unlike most alien-Sim hybrids that are the products of alien abduction, who have black hair, her hair is naturally red. It's obvious Chloe got this from her alien father, Pollination Tech#9, because he had red hair as well, as shown in one of the Smith family storytelling pictures. However, this could not happen in normal gameplay, as black hair is dominant while red hair is recessive.

At the start of the game Chloe has a positive relationship level with her older sister, but negative daily relationships with Erin and Kristen. If free will is on, she will usually pick fights with Erin and Kristen, unless the player diverts her away from them. When the Singles household is first played, Chloe is 28 days away from becoming an elder. Chloe is voiced by Zoe Galvez.

Her name seems to fit her because Chloe means 'green'.


  • While Chloe is technically an alien-Sim hybrid, checking her Sim DNA in SimPE shows that she will always pass on genes for the alien skin tone, alien eyes, and red hair. As a result, it is likely that any children she has will be green. As with many pre-made Sims in Strangetown, the "Skintone" part of her Sim DNA is missing.
  • For some reason, Maxis left out the familial relation between Chloe and Glarn's children by his second wife. In fact, they have no relationships at all and do not know one another. In any event, Chloe can marry Vidcund, Pascal, or Lazlo, her unmarried half-siblings via her human father. This can be fixed with SimPE, or the player can assume that they do not know they are related. While she does not recognize Jenny as family and does not know her, she does know Jenny's children, Jill and Johnny, and recognizes them as family.
  • Jill and Johnny are Chloe's step-siblings and niece and nephew at the same time, as Jenny is Chloe's stepmother as well as her half-sister.


Skill Charisma Charisma 3
Skill Body Body 1
Skill Charisma Charisma 3
Skill Body Body 1

Erin Singles Erin Singles Acquaintance Acquaintance
Lola Singles Lola Singles Acquaintance Acquaintance
Kristen Singles Kristen Singles Acquaintance Acquaintance
Jill Smith Jill Smith Acquaintance Acquaintance
Johnny Smith Johnny Smith Acquaintance Acquaintance
Pollination Technician 9 Pollination Tech 9 Smith Acquaintance Acquaintance
Erin Singles Erin Singles Acquaintance Acquaintance
Lola Singles Lola Singles Acquaintance Acquaintance
Kristen Singles Kristen Singles Acquaintance Acquaintance
Jill Smith Jill Smith Acquaintance Acquaintance
Johnny Smith Johnny Smith Acquaintance Acquaintance
Pollination Technician 9 Pollination Tech 9 Smith Acquaintance Acquaintance

Sloppy 3 Neat
Shy 8 Outgoing
Lazy 3 Active
Serious 8 Playful
Grouchy 3 Nice
Sign / personality mismatch
A Sim with this personality would normally be a Taurus.

Politics Politics 1
Crime Crime 1
Food Food 5
Sports Sports 3
Work Work 4
School School 4
Money Money 9
Entertainment Entertainment 3
Health Health 7
Paranormal Paranormal 3
Weather Weather 8
Toys Toys 8
Environment Environment 7
Culture Culture 2
Fashion Fashion 7
Travel Travel 7
Animals Animals 6
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 5

Learned to Talk Learned to Talk from Glabe Positive
Learned to Walk Learned to Walk from Glabe Positive
Potty Trained Potty Trained by Glabe Positive
Got an A Lola Got an A+ Report Card Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
Met Sim Met Mystery Sim Positive
Rejected Private School Got Rejected from Private School Negative
Grew Up Lola Grew Up Well Positive
Got a D Got a D- Report Card Negative
Grew Up Grew Up Badly Negative
Grew Up Lola Grew Up Well Positive
Sim Died Glabe Died Negative
Great Party Had a Great Party Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
First Kiss Had Very First Kiss with Mystery Sim Positive
First Kiss Kissed Mystery Sim for the First Time Positive
Learned to Talk Learned to Talk from Glabe Positive
Learned to Walk Learned to Walk from Glabe Positive
Potty Trained Potty Trained by Glabe Positive
Got an A Lola Got an A+ Report Card Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
Met Sim Met Mystery Sim Positive
Rejected Private School Got Rejected from Private School Negative
Grew Up Lola Grew Up Well Positive
Got a D Got a D- Report Card Negative
Grew Up Grew Up Badly Negative
Grew Up Lola Grew Up Well Positive
Sim Died Glabe Died Negative
Great Party Had a Great Party Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
First Kiss Had Very First Kiss with Mystery Sim Positive
First Kiss Kissed Mystery Sim for the First Time Positive


Other languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Chloe Singles
Brazilian Portuguese Chloe Singela
Chinese (Simplified) 克洛 辛格
Chinese (Traditional) 克麗香 辛多
Czech Vlasta Nezadaná
Danish Alberte Singlerne
Dutch Mirjam Singels
European Portuguese Chloe Solteirona
Finnish Jonna Ypölä
French Chloé Katerinète
German Gabi Single
Hebrew קלואי סינגלס
Italian Chloe Single
Japanese クロエ シングル
Korean 클로이 싱글
Norwegian Ingvild Singelvik
Polish Celina Jedynak
Russian Хлоя Незамужних (Khloya Nezamyzhnikh)
Spanish Clotilda Soltería
Swedish Cilla Singel
Thai โคล•เอ้ ซิง•เกิ้ล
Hungarian Chloe Szingli
The Singles household
Lola - Chloe - Erin - Kristen
The Curious family
Marshall - Cherish
Bunny - Notzo - Zo
Glarn - Glabe - Kitty
Lola - Chloe - Jenny - Pascal - Vidcund - Lazlo
Tycho - Nova