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The Sims Bustin' Out (Handheld) The Urbz: Sims in the City (Handheld)
Chet R. Chase
Chet R. Chase
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Chet is an eccentric chef from SimCity™. He's currently in SimValley touring with his televised Cooking Contest.
Education and employment
Career Culinary career Chef
Hair color TS2 Brown Hair Brown
Skin color Skin-light Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game Bo logo The Sims Bustin' Out (handheld)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood SimValley
Chet R. Chase
Chet R. Chase
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Human
Education and employment
Career Culinary career Chef
Hair color TS2 Brown Hair Brown
Skin color Skin-light Light
Social standing
Rep group N/A
Other information
Game The Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Miniopolis
Well hello there, kid. Chet R. Chase is sure happy to meet you. Are you a contestant on his Papa Chet's Pizza Pandemonium show yet? If so, step into the kitchen. If not... why not?

Chet R. Chase is an NPC Sim featured in The Sims Bustin' Out for handheld.

A celebrity chef from SimCity, Chet is in SimValley touring with his televised cooking contest and runs the Dockside Diner. His name is a pun on Cheddar Cheese. He reappears in the sequel game, The Urbz: Sims in the City for handheld, but he only sells food and can no longer be interacted with.


Personality type
This Sim has a Bubbly personality type in The Sims Bustin' Out (handheld). This Sim will react with a +1 to all interactions for each of the following that applies to the player character:
  • 7 or more Playful points.
  • 7 or more Active points.
This Sim will also pay the player §80 multiplied by the current story level (subtracted by one) after receiving an errand on time.
Interaction Dialogue
NPC Responses
Annoy +1 You are too much, my friend, too much!
Apologize +1 Chet forgives you, child.
Brag -2 Chet does not see the purpose of your bragging. Are you trying to impress him?
Call Name -3 Why do you call Chet names?
Cheer Up +3 Good news is always welcome in Chet's ears!
Complain -2 Why do you complain so? You do not see Chet complaining, do you?
Compliment +3 Thank you, child. Thank you so much.
Joke +2 Ha ha ha! That is such a humorous joke. Tell Chet another, if you please.
Flirt +6 My oh my! A naughty joke! How odd!
Insult -2 Why must you pick on Chet so? He has done nothing to hurt you.
Intimidate -3 Oh! Surely you would not wish to hurt poor Chet's booming business!
Gossip +1 Chet is intrigued by your scandalous gossip...
Discuss Interests +2 You have good taste, child. One day it may save your life!
Tell Secret +2 Tell me more! Chet likes a good secret.
Tease -1 Please leave poor Chet alone! He is a shy and delicate man!
Tickle +5 Hey! Ha ha! Hey!
Hug (Accept) +2 N/A
Hug (Reject) -5 Chet is always willing to wrap his arms around someone!
Friendly Kiss (Accept) +4 N/A
Friendly Kiss (Reject) -5 Chet is surprised! Is Chet on reality television right now?
Passionate Kiss (Accept) +2 N/A
Passionate Kiss (Reject) -5 Are you wearing marionberry lipstick?
Accept Gift N/A Thank you, child, for this wonderful gift.
Reject Gift N/A No, please. Chet needs no special attention.
Give Errand (Accept) N/A Yes, yes! Chet needs help. Can you deliver this pizza to [Sim], child?
Give Errand (Reject) N/A No. Chet does not need help. Chet is handling things perfectly by himself.
Recieve Errand (On Time) Chet has [Amount] Simoleons for you, child.
Recieve Errand (Late) Chet would have been faster.
End Conversation N/A Chet bids you a good day.
Reject Roommate 0 Chet is a loner, child, a rebel. Chet lives only at the restaurant.
Angry N/A Chet does not talk to children with no manners.
Interaction Player Dialogue
Player Dialogue
Annoy +1 Can you put ketchup on my pizza? Why are fish so dang ugly? Don't you think this is a terrible place to have a restaurant?
Apologize +1 Sorry for warning every one to stay away from this place. I apologize for not eating here more often. Sorry for not tipping.
Brag -2 I like mayonnaise and potato chips on my pizza. I cook world famous marinara. I can slice 20 onions in under a minute.
Call Name -3 Fry cook!
Cheer Up +3 Good news, cheese is good for your health! A slice of pizza a day keeps the doctor away. This is SimValley's hippest spot.
Complain -2 Why don't you sell T-shirts? Why doesn't SimValley have a Mexican restaurant? Why don't they make triangular pizzas?
Compliment +3 You bring a smile to everyone's face! You need to open a restaurant in SimCity¸. Your pizza is the best thing since humans discovered fire.
Joke +2 Did you hear the joke about the mozzarella thief? How many chefs does it take to change a light bulb? What do you get when you cross a pineapple with a porcupine?
Flirt +6 Did you hear the one about the mermaid and the movie star?
Insult -2 Your food tastes like plastic! I've had better food on an airplane! You're so ugly your face looks like a slice of pepperoni!
Intimidate -3 What if I opened a hot dog stand across the street? How'd you like one of your pizzas thrown in your face? Everyone knows I'm a better cook than you are.
Gossip +1 I hear the mayor wants you to cater his next birthday party. I hear Daddy Bigbucks wants you to make a pizza that looks like him. I hear Lottie Cash wants to buy your restaurant.
Discuss Interests +2 I love food so much I try to eat something new every day. I love the smell, taste, and feel of olive oil. I like running my fingers through mushy pizza dough.
Tell Secret +2 Psst! I'm allergic to pasta. Psst! I know something you don't know. Psst! I know you took your sauce recipe from your grandmother.
Tease -1 You make a lot of funny noises when you cook. You remind me of my favorite cartoon character. Your name is the silliest pun I have ever heard!
Tickle +5 I'll bet you're ticklish!
Hug How about a hug?
Friendly Kiss Friendly kiss, BUDDY?
Passionate Kiss You wouldn't mind a garlicky kiss, would you?
Give Gift N/A I've got something for you!
Ask for Errand N/A Do you need any help with Delivery?
End Conversation N/A Catch ya later!

Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
12:00 AM 21 21 21
1:00 AM Chet R. Chase
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12:00 PM
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4:00 PM 21 21 21
5:00 PM 21 21 21
6:00 PM 21 21 21
7:00 PM 21 21 21
8:00 PM 21 21 21
9:00 PM 21 21 21
10:00 PM 21 21 21
11:00 PM 21 21 21

Gift Items
Book of Poetry
Book of Poetry
Bouquet of Flowers
Bouquet of Flowers
Box of Chocolates
Box of Chocolates
Comic Book
Comic Book
Reject Accept Accept Reject
Gold Ring
Gold Ring
Jailhouse Teddy
Jailhouse Teddy
Olde Salty Action Figure
Olde Salty Action Figure
Red Rose
Red Rose
Reject Reject Reject Accept
Story Items
Blueprints Chickens Crowbar Family Album
Reject Accept Reject Reject
Fishing Pole Flyer Helmet Less Than Grand Painting
Reject Reject Reject Reject
Object D'Arte Urn Various Books Velocirooster
Reject Reject Reject Reject


Other languages[]

Language The Sims Bustin' Out
English Chet R. Chase
Russian Чет-Эр Чейз
(Chet-Er Cheyz)
Spanish Aitor Tilla