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The Sims 2: Open for Business
Checo Ramirez
Checo Ramirez
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Checo has always been a stellar salesman, but will running the furniture store burn out this bright star, or will the store's profits reach astronomical proportions?
Education and employment
Career Unemployed Unemployed
Family Ramirez Family
Parents Juan Ramirez, Theresa Ramirez Both Deceased
Marital status Married
Romances Lisa Ramirez Wife
Children Tessa Ramirez Daughter
Zodiac sign Aquarius (sign) Aquarius
Aspiration Fortune Fortune
Lifetime want Become Business Tycoon Become Business Tycoon
Turn-ons Fitness Fitness
Brown Hair (chemistry) Brown Hair
Turn-off Facial Hair Facial Hair
Hair color TS2 Black Hair Black
Eye color TS2 Brown Eyes Brown
Skin color Skin-medium Medium
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Open for Business Icon The Sims 2: Open for Business
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Bluewater Village

Checoleín "Checo" Ramirez is a pre-made playable Sim who owns a furniture shop in Bluewater Village. He is married to Lisa Ramirez and has a daughter, Tessa. According to her bio, Lisa has helped Checo out in the furniture store at times before Tessa became a child; whether she will continue doing that is left to the player to decide. He and Lisa have a mediocre relationship with each other; while they are still in love, they only hold a daily and lifetime relationship score in the 70's range.

At the beginning of the game, Checo will be in the kitchen right next to the phone. He will have a want to invite the headmaster over and get Tessa into private school. When the family is first played, Checo is 17 days from being an elder. Often going unnoticed, he has 24 personality points instead of the usual 25. Checo is voiced by David Boat.

Checo appears to be of Hispanic descent, as Juan and Theresa are common Hispanic names and Ramirez is a popular surname in areas such as Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador. Oddly, even though Checo's parents appear in his family tree, he doesn't have any memories of them. Although Checo has black hair, his parents both have brown hair—there is a similar case regarding Lisa and her parents, which may have been an error by the developers.

Checo, as well as Stephen Tinker, are both mentioned in the descriptions of various objects from The Sims 4: Movie Hangout Stuff, where they are said to travel through several towns from The Sims 3, in which they meet some their residents.


Lisa Ramirez Lisa Ramirez Spouse Married
Tessa Ramirez Tessa Ramirez Best Friend Best Friend
Lisa Ramirez Lisa Ramirez Spouse Married
Tessa Ramirez Tessa Ramirez Best Friend Best Friend

Sloppy 3 Neat
Shy 6 Outgoing
Lazy 5 Active
Serious 4 Playful
Grouchy 6 Nice

Politics Politics 9
Crime Crime 4
Food Food 8
Sports Sports 6
Work Work 10
School School 5
Money Money 8
Entertainment Entertainment 4
Health Health 3
Paranormal Paranormal 3
Weather Weather 5
Toys Toys 2
Environment Environment 5
Culture Culture 4
Fashion Fashion 7
Travel Travel 1
Animals Animals 1
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 5

Met Sim Met Lisa Positive
Became Best Friends Made Best Friends with Lisa Positive
First Kiss Had Very First Kiss with Lisa Positive
First Kiss Kissed Lisa for the First Time Positive
Fell in Love Fell in Love with Lisa Positive
Got Engaged Got Engaged to Lisa Positive
Got Married Got Married to Lisa Positive
First WooHoo Had Very First WooHoo with Lisa Positive
Did WooHoo Did WooHoo with Lisa Positive
Had Sim Had Tessa! Positive
Met Sim Met Lisa Positive
Became Best Friends Made Best Friends with Lisa Positive
First Kiss Had Very First Kiss with Lisa Positive
First Kiss Kissed Lisa for the First Time Positive
Fell in Love Fell in Love with Lisa Positive
Got Engaged Got Engaged to Lisa Positive
Got Married Got Married to Lisa Positive
First WooHoo Had Very First WooHoo with Lisa Positive
Did WooHoo Did WooHoo with Lisa Positive
Had Sim Had Tessa! Positive

TBA Deed to Ramirez's Fine Furniture §0
TBA Deed to Ramirez's Fine Furniture §0


Other languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Checo Ramirez
French Fabio Ramirez
German Juan Ramirez
Italian Costantino Ramirez
Spanish Checo Ramírez
Dutch Samir Abdellaoui
Danish Bent Rabaahlder
Swedish Checo Ramirez
Norwegian Jesus Ramirez
Finnish Karl Rankenberger
Russian Чикко Рамирес
Portuguese Checo Ramirez
Japanese チェコ ラミレス
Polish Leon Noga
Chinese (simplified) 查克 瑞米尔
Chinese (traditional) 薛可林 瑞米茲
Thai เช​โค​เลน รา​มิ​เรซ
Korean 체코 라미레즈
Czech Checoleín Ramirez
Hungarian Checo Ramirez
Brazilian Portuguese Checoleon Ramirez
The Ramirez family
Tessa - Checo - Lisa - Juan - Theresa