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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 3: Supernatural
Chauncey Grimm
Chauncey Grimm
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Young-Adult Young Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Chauncey is an acclaimed writer who since his childhood has been fascinated with all things supernatural, which inspired him to write the smash hit novel "True Fairy Tales." He recently moved into Moonlight Falls to research and collect stories to tell the world about this quaint little town of supernaturals and humans living together. Although he only planned to stay a short time, Chauncey loves cruising the open roads on his bike as he explores Moonlight Falls and could see himself sticking around for a while. Better yet, Chauncey might become a supernatural himself!
Education and employment
Career W journalism career Weather Man
Family Grimm family
Marital status Single
Traits Trait Supernatural Fan small Supernatural Fan
Trait Bookworm small Bookworm
Trait Hydrophobic small Hydrophobic
Trait Never Nude small Never Nude
Trait Computer Whiz small Computer Whiz
Zodiac sign CancerLN Cancer
Lifetime wish LTW Star News Anchor Star News Anchor
Favorites Fav Indie Indie
Fav Hamburger Hamburger
Fav Irish Green Irish Green
Hair color Haircolor3-TS3 Brown
Eye color Eye-brown Brown
Skin color Light skin-TS3 Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS3SN Icon The Sims 3: Supernatural
Playability Playable
World Moonlight Falls

Chauncey Grimm is a pre-made playable Sim residing in Moonlight Falls, the world shipped with The Sims 3: Supernatural. According to his bio, Chauncey loves the supernatural and to write and read stories about them, though no one really believes his stories. He is the author of "True Fairy Tales", a children's book, which is also mentioned in his bio. The players can purchase the book at the bookstore.

Chauncey is best friends forever with Rainflower Ivy, good friends with Doreen Caliente, Flint MacDuff and Serena Durwood, friends with Flora Goodfellow, Argus Brown, and next-door neighbor Dante Morganthe. He is distant friends with Helen Hall and is disliked by Rick Durwood.

Chauncey may be a spoof of Nick Burkhardt from Grimm.


W Charisma Charisma 3
W writing skill Writing 6
W Charisma Charisma 3
W writing skill Writing 6