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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 2
Chandler Platz
Chandler Platz
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Child Child
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Education and employment
School School Public School
Grade C
Family Platz family
Zodiac sign Scorpio Scorpio
Aspiration Grow Up Grow Up
Hair color TS2 Red Hair Red
Eye color TS2 Green Eyes Green
Skin color Skin-light Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Icon The Sims 2
Playability Townie
Neighborhood Pleasantview

Chandler Platz is one of the pre-made townies who resides in Pleasantview and custom neighborhoods in The Sims 2. He can be made playable by befriending and aging him up with another child.[TS2:FT]

Like all townies in The Sims 2, Chandler's relationships with other townies are usually randomized at the start of the game. He has the same facial structure as fellow townie Orlando Bertino. Chandler has red hair, green eyes and wears a white shirt with red sleeves alongside blue jeans.

Chandler is sometimes known to annoy other children, due to his lack of nice points.

If FreeTime expansion pack is installed, Chandler's one true hobby will be Sports.


Sloppy 6 Neat
Shy 5 Outgoing
Lazy 8 Active
Serious 3 Playful
Grouchy 3 Nice

Politics Politics 3
Crime Crime 3
Food Food 4
Sports Sports 9
Work Work 4
School School 6
Money Money 2
Entertainment Entertainment 2
Health Health 4
Paranormal Paranormal 6
Weather Weather 4
Toys Toys 6
Environment Environment 2
Culture Culture 0
Fashion Fashion 4
Travel Travel 8
Animals Animals 7
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 4

Other Languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Chandler Platz
Brazilian Portuguese Felipe Platizu
Chinese (Simplified) 钱德勒 普拉兹
Chinese (Traditional) 瑞斗 普拉斯
Czech Chandler Kubáněk
Danish Niklas Barkentin
Dutch Constantijn Plaatsjes
European Portuguese Gueifão Durão
Finnish Harald Puljula
French Charles Roche
German Henning Platz
Italian Chandler Platz
Japanese チャンドラー プラッツ
Korean 챈들러 안
Norwegian Noah Hunter Presthus
Polish Bronisław Miastowiec
Spanish Carlos Pons
Swedish Konrad Platz
Thai แชน•เดอร์ พลาตซ์•
Russian Гариф Давыди