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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 2: Seasons
Catherine Viejo
Catherine Viejo
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Elder Elder
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Catherine gave her old home to her favorite niece in hopes to bring them closer together. Though she misses her friend, Linda, she's enjoying her retirement and found a love for gardening (and a cute farmer that moved in down the way).
Education and employment
Career Education career Teacher's Aide
Family Viejo family
Parents Henry Sutter, Violene Sutter Both Deceased
Siblings Victoria Shikibu Sister Deceased
Marital status Widowed
Romances Julio Viejo Deceased Husband
Household Viejo household
Roommates Betty Goldstein, Andrew Martin, Jacob Martin
Zodiac sign Cancer Cancer
Aspiration Romance Romance
Lifetime want Become Celebrity Chef Become Celebrity Chef
Turn-ons Facial Hair Facial Hair
Brown Hair (chemistry) Brown Hair
Turn-off Stink Stink
Hair color TS2 Grey Hair Grey
Eye color TS2 Brown Eyes Brown
Skin color Skin-light Light
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Seasons Icon The Sims 2: Seasons
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Riverblossom Hills

Catherine Viejo (née Sutter) is a pre-made Sim featured in Riverblossom Hills, the neighborhood introduced in Seasons. She lives with her best friend Betty Goldstein and her deceased best friend's son Andrew Martin and his son Jacob Martin. When the family is first played, Catherine is on her 1st day as an elder, and is 11 days away from dying of old age. She also has the want to "Meet Someone New" locked in.

Catherine works part-time in the Education career track at the start of the game. She gave her niece Cleo Shikibu her old home. If Catherine adopts a child and is not married to someone, her deceased husband will be the father and he will appear on the family tree. One strange thing is that she has a positive memory of getting married, which is unusual for a Romance Sim. However, everyone in Riverblossom Hills has only positive memories, even of negative events such as death and divorce.

According to Catherine's SimDNA in SimPE, her hair was brown before it turned grey. Even though she is thin at the start of the game, her fitness level indicates that she is supposed to be fit. Even though her biography states that she has a crush on Leod McGreggor, they are only acquaintances at the start of the game. It also states Catherine is retired, but she has no memory of retiring and does not have a pension. Her husband Julio has no known family other than Catherine herself.

Catherine has no memories about her older sister, Victoria (Cleo Shikibu's mother). It seems that the idea of ​​Cleo being Catherine's niece came later in development and that's why Catherine has no memories of Victoria and vice versa. Another explanation could also be that (apparently) Patricia Wan was originally intended to be Catherine's niece. Clues about this are the storytelling images from the Wan household making little sense, the fact that their household is called "Wan" even though it's Cleo's house, and Victoria's name being "Kayami" when viewing her character file (Patricia's mother is Kayami Wan).


Skill Cooking Cooking 9
Skill Mechanical Mechanical 6
Skill Charisma Charisma 7
Skill Body Body 4
Skill Logic Logic 6
Skill Creativity Creativity 7
Skill Cleaning Cleaning 9

Leod McGreggor Leod McGreggor Acquaintance Acquaintance
Jason Greenman Jason Greenman Acquaintance Acquaintance
Rose Greenman Rose Greenman Acquaintance Acquaintance
Cleo Shikibu Cleo Shikibu Acquaintance Acquaintance
Morty Roth Morty Roth Acquaintance Acquaintance
Stella Roth Stella Roth Acquaintance Acquaintance
Sandra Roth Sandra Roth Acquaintance Acquaintance
Xander Roth Xander Roth Acquaintance Acquaintance
Betty Goldstein Betty Goldstein Best Friend Best Friend
Andrew Martin Andrew Martin Acquaintance Acquaintance
Jacob Martin Jacob Martin Acquaintance Acquaintance
Leod McGreggor Leod McGreggor Acquaintance Acquaintance
Jason Greenman Jason Greenman Acquaintance Acquaintance
Rose Greenman Rose Greenman Acquaintance Acquaintance
Cleo Shikibu Cleo Shikibu Acquaintance Acquaintance
Morty Roth Morty Roth Acquaintance Acquaintance
Stella Roth Stella Roth Acquaintance Acquaintance
Sandra Roth Sandra Roth Acquaintance Acquaintance
Xander Roth Xander Roth Acquaintance Acquaintance
Betty Goldstein Betty Goldstein Best Friend Best Friend
Andrew Martin Andrew Martin Acquaintance Acquaintance
Jacob Martin Jacob Martin Acquaintance Acquaintance

Sloppy 5 Neat
Shy 6 Outgoing
Lazy 4 Active
Serious 4 Playful
Grouchy 6 Nice

Politics Politics 6
Crime Crime 2
Food Food 6
Sports Sports 5
Work Work 6
School School 10
Money Money 2
Entertainment Entertainment 5
Health Health 8
Paranormal Paranormal 3
Weather Weather 8
Toys Toys 5
Environment Environment 6
Culture Culture 6
Fashion Fashion 5
Travel Travel 0
Animals Animals 5
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 2

Learned to Talk Learned to Talk from Violene Positive
Learned to Walk Learned to Walk from Henry Positive
Potty Trained Potty Trained by Violene Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
Saw First Snow Saw First Snow Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
Met Sim Met Linda Positive
Met Sim Met Betty Positive
Became Best Friends Made Best Friends with Betty Positive
Became Best Friends Made Best Friends with Linda Positive
Met Sim Met Cleo Positive
Sim Died Henry Died Negative
Sim Died Violene Died Negative
Met Sim Met Julio Positive
First Kiss Had Very First Kiss with Julio Positive
First Kiss Kissed Julio for the First Time Positive
Got Engaged Got Engaged to Julio Positive
Got Married Got Married to Julio Positive
Met Sim Met Andrew Positive
Met Sim Met Elena Positive
Sim Died Julio Died Negative
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
Met Sim Met Jacob Positive
Moved In Moved In Positive
Met Sim Met Leod Positive
Sim Died Elena Died Negative
Sim Died Linda Died Negative
Met Sim Met Jason Positive
Met Sim Met Rose Positive
Learned to Talk Learned to Talk from Violene Positive
Learned to Walk Learned to Walk from Henry Positive
Potty Trained Potty Trained by Violene Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
Saw First Snow Saw First Snow Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
Met Sim Met Linda Positive
Met Sim Met Betty Positive
Became Best Friends Made Best Friends with Betty Positive
Became Best Friends Made Best Friends with Linda Positive
Met Sim Met Cleo Positive
Sim Died Henry Died Negative
Sim Died Violene Died Negative
Met Sim Met Julio Positive
First Kiss Had Very First Kiss with Julio Positive
First Kiss Kissed Julio for the First Time Positive
Got Engaged Got Engaged to Julio Positive
Got Married Got Married to Julio Positive
Met Sim Met Andrew Positive
Met Sim Met Elena Positive
Sim Died Julio Died Negative
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
Met Sim Met Jacob Positive
Moved In Moved In Positive
Met Sim Met Leod Positive
Sim Died Elena Died Negative
Sim Died Linda Died Negative
Met Sim Met Jason Positive
Met Sim Met Rose Positive


Other languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Catherine Viejo
Brazilian Portuguese Catarina Viejo
Chinese (simplified) 凯瑟琳 威尔乔
Chinese (traditional) 凱瑟琳 斐求
Czech Kateřina Hajná
Danish Katrine Vildtberg
Dutch Katrien Friesland
Finnish Katariina Virkkala
French Catherine Ramirez
German Katarina Kocarek
Hungarian Catherine Viejo
Italian Caterina Agricoli
Japanese キャサリン ヴィージョ
Korean 캐서린 비에조
Norwegian Katrine Viestad
Polish Katarzyna Siejba
Portuguese Catarina Velho
Russian Катарина Вальехо
Spanish Catalina Viejo
Swedish Katrin Gammelkvist
Thai ​แคท​เธอ​รีน​ ​วี​โจ​
The Viejo household
Catherine - Betty - Andrew - Jacob