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The Sims 4: Vampires
Caleb Vatore
Gender Male Male
Age Age yadult selected Young Adult
Life state TS4 Vampire Icon Vampire
Vampire Rank 4 Master Vampire
Education and employment
Career Unemployed Unemployed
Family Vatore family
Siblings Lilith Vatore Sister
Marital status Single
Traits Trait TS4 Foodie Foodie
Trait TS4 Ambitious Ambitious
Trait TS4 Materialistic Materialistic
Trait TS4 Gregarious Gregarious
Aspiration Aspiration TS4 Good Vampire Good Vampire
Hair color
Eye color
Skin color
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game The Sims 4 Vampires Icon The Sims 4: Vampires
Playability Playable
World Forgotten Hollow

Caleb Vatore is a pre-made vampire who resides in Forgotten Hollow, the world introduced in The Sims 4: Vampires. He lives together with his sister Lilith Vatore. He's a cousin of the werewolf Lily Zhu.

Caleb is physically a young adult who has lived 48 days (though he is actually immortal in-game and from the same generation as his elderly cousin Lily Zhu). He has the Good Vampire aspiration, and is unemployed. He has not learned any skills.

Caleb wants to learn alternative ways to drink plasma, and because of this, he, allegedly, does not get along well with the grand vampire Vladislaus Straud. He also doesn't know his cousin Lily Zhu, which is a common problem in The Sims 4, which is lacking when it comes to cross-pack features.

In a teaser video for Vampires Caleb is seen flirting with a male Sim and two female Sims, showing that he is bisexual. In the same video, he is shown to have been turned into a vampire by Miss Hell. [1] In The Sims 4: Lovestruck, a new television channel called the reality dating show was added, which features Caleb rejecting Callia Maebey and instead kissing Kyle Kyleson.

Even though Caleb's family bio implies that he may be in a negative relationship with Vladislaus, he doesn't know him at the start of the game. According to a blog post by Vlad, the siblings also object to Vlad's wardrobe choices, personal hygiene, and showing his dark form in public. At high moon, Vlad and Caleb once had a duel which Vlad won.[2]

According to his cousin Lily Zhu, Caleb was a "gentle soul" as a child.[3] Caleb and his sister Lilith grew up with Lily and all three cousins are not originally from the worlds they live in now (Forgotten Hollow and Moonwood Mill), instead all moved to their respective worlds after being transformed into occults.[3]


Lilithvaltore1 Lilith Vatore Family Sister, Friend Friend
Lilithvaltore1 Lilith Vatore Family Sister, Friend Friend



  • In the Vampire Powers trailer, Caleb's name appears as "Raylan Lange;" his traits are Romantic, Outgoing, Self-Assured, and Alluring; and his aspiration is Serial Romantic.
  • The name Caleb is a Hebrew name meaning "devotion to God".
  • Strangely, Caleb doesn't have a dark form, even though he's seen having a dark form in both trailers and renders.
  • Data mining shows the file name for Caleb is "ymGeorgeWilson.siminfo".

