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The Sims Wiki
The Sims 2
Bottom Summerdream
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Child Child
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Bottom sometimes gets herself into trouble attempting to get attention from her parents and big brother. Will she grow up to be more respectful and responsible?
Education and employment
School School Public School
Grade C
Family Summerdream family
Parents Oberon Summerdream, Titania SummerdreamBoth Adoptive
Siblings Puck SummerdreamAdopted Brother
Zodiac sign Leo Leo
Aspiration Grow Up Grow Up
Hair color TS2 Brown Hair Brown
Eye color TS2 Green Eyes Green
Skin color Skin-medium Medium
Body shape Fit Fit
Other information
Game The Sims 2 Icon The Sims 2
Playability Playable
Neighborhood Veronaville

Bottom Summerdream is the adopted child daughter of Oberon and Titania Summerdream, and the family resides in Veronaville. Bottom enjoys getting attention, and her older brother Puck is often irritated by her. She is a bit bratty, but this may be because she has loving parents that shower her with attention.

According to Bottom's memories, she has had a happy childhood so far, having learned all three toddler skills from her adoptive parents. Her personality traits are all fairly balanced. She has strong interests in crime, food, entertainment, and culture, but is not interested in animals or health. Bottom's facial structure is identical to that of the 26th face template in Create a Sim, except her nose is identical to that of the 13th face template. When she becomes an adult, she will be voiced by Gerri Lawlor.

She is friends with Desdemona Capp, Hal Capp, and Benedick Monty. Beatrice Monty considers Bottom a friend, though the friendship isn't mutual. When first played, Bottom is 5 days from becoming a teenager. She is the only living Summerdream not to have red hair or face paint. When she becomes an adult, she will be the shoving Sim when a Sim from another lot stargazes with a telescope during the day. If The Sims 2: FreeTime is installed, Bottom's pre-destined hobby will be music and dance.

Bottom's default thumbnail shows the clothes in low resolution, this can be fixed by changing her appearance in the mirror. Her character file is the largest in any of the Maxis neighborhoods, due to it containing several copies of Consort Capp's head.

Strangely, if Bottom's appearance is extracted with SimPE to Body Shop, she will be thin instead of fit. The reason for this is because she will have the fitness texture for thin Sims when she becomes a teen instead of the one for fit Sims. This will become more apparent when she becomes an adult.

This implies that she was originally thin and her fitness level was subsequently modified with a program like SimPE. The only way for her to have the fitness texture for fit Sims without hacks is by having her overeat until she becomes thin, and then have her workout until she is fit again. This also happens with many other pre-made Sims in The Sims 2.

Nick Bottom is a weaver, in A Midsummer Night's Dream. While rehearsing a play, Puck changes Bottom's head for a donkey's head. Because of magic nectar that Oberon has put on her eyelids while she is sleeping, Titania falls in love with him.


Skill Charisma Charisma 1
Skill Charisma Charisma 1

Desdemona Capp Desdemona Capp Friend Friend
Hal Capp Hal Capp Friend Friend
Hermia Capp Hermia Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Juliette Capp Juliette Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Miranda Capp Miranda Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Tybalt Capp Tybalt Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Beatrice Monty Beatrice Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Benedick Monty Benedick Monty Friend Friend
Mercutio Monty Mercutio Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Romeo Monty Romeo Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Oberon Summerdream Oberon Summerdream Acquaintance Acquaintance
Puck Summerdream Puck Summerdream Acquaintance Acquaintance
Titania Summerdream Titania Summerdream Acquaintance Acquaintance
Desdemona Capp Desdemona Capp Friend Friend
Hal Capp Hal Capp Friend Friend
Hermia Capp Hermia Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Juliette Capp Juliette Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Miranda Capp Miranda Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Tybalt Capp Tybalt Capp Acquaintance Acquaintance
Beatrice Monty Beatrice Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Benedick Monty Benedick Monty Friend Friend
Mercutio Monty Mercutio Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Romeo Monty Romeo Monty Acquaintance Acquaintance
Oberon Summerdream Oberon Summerdream Acquaintance Acquaintance
Puck Summerdream Puck Summerdream Acquaintance Acquaintance
Titania Summerdream Titania Summerdream Acquaintance Acquaintance

Sloppy 3 Neat
Shy 6 Outgoing
Lazy 7 Active
Serious 4 Playful
Grouchy 5 Nice
Sign / personality mismatch
A Sim with this personality would normally be a Gemini.

Politics Politics 0
Crime Crime 6
Food Food 8
Sports Sports 5
Work Work 2
School School 6
Money Money 3
Entertainment Entertainment 9
Health Health 2
Paranormal Paranormal 6
Weather Weather 4
Toys Toys 9
Environment Environment 3
Culture Culture 4
Fashion Fashion 3
Travel Travel 7
Animals Animals 6
Sci-Fi Sci-Fi 7

Learned to Talk Learned to Talk from Titania Positive
Learned to Walk Learned to Walk from Oberon Positive
Potty Trained Potty Trained by Oberon Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
Became Best Friends Made Best Friends with Oberon Positive
Learned to Talk Learned to Talk from Titania Positive
Learned to Walk Learned to Walk from Oberon Positive
Potty Trained Potty Trained by Oberon Positive
Grew Up Grew Up Well Positive
Became Best Friends Made Best Friends with Oberon Positive


Other Languages[]

Language The Sims 2
English Bottom Summerdream
Brazilian Portuguese Betha Veranossonho
Chinese (Simplified) 伯顿 绮梦
Chinese (Traditional) 芭坦 夏夢
Czech Bottom Svatojanová
Danish Silvia Sommerdrøm
Dutch Babs Zomerdroom
European Portuguese Mariposa Sonhodeverão
Finnish Pulma Unelmala
French Boutondor Songedété
German Andrea Sommertraum
Hebrew בוטום סאמרדרים
Hungarian Zuboly Éjszentiváni
Italian Bottom Sognodestate
Japanese ボトム サマードリーム
Korean 보텀 섬머드림
Norwegian Bothilde Sommerdrøm
Polish Teodozja Jutrzenka
Russian Ботта Купало (Botta Kupalo) /
Ботта Саммердрим
Spanish Flor Deunanoche
Swedish Bottom Sommardröm
Thai บัต•ท่อม ซัมเมอร์ด•รีม
The Summerdream family
Brillante - Pistol - Fae - Elvin
Oberon - Titania - Puck - Bottom