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The Urbz: Sims in the City (Handheld)
Bayou Boo
Gender Male Male
Age TS3-Adult Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Human
Boo is one of your strong, silent types - a gentle man with a mind running riot with ideas.
Parents Bogland Bessie Deceased
Siblings Crawdad Clem Twin Brother
Hair color TS2 Blonde Hair Blonde
Eye color TS2 Dark Blue Eyes Dark Blue
Skin color Skin-light Light
Body shape Fat Fat
Social standing
Rep group N/A
Other information
Game The Urbz: Sims in the City (handheld)
Playability NPC
Neighborhood Miniopolis
Hiya. They call me Bayou Boo. Who? Not sure. So I just call them "They".

Bayou Boo is an NPC Urb residing in the Bayou side of Miniopolis from The Urbz: Sims in the City for handheld. He is the twin brother of Crawdad Clem, and the two fear the Red Man and the Albino Alligator.


During the player's stay in the Bayou, Boo's twin brother is more talkative than he is: all his dialogue outside of missions consist of the same few lines.

At some point between Bye Bye Bayou and Interview With A Cajun Vampire, Boo is turned into a vampire. When the player asks Mambo Loa about a cure, she advises giving him chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate, and says that it will cure his vampirism. The cure is a chocolate bunny, which is prepared by putting three pieces of chocolate into a blender then baking. After he is cured, he is much more talkative and friendly to the player's Urb.

Clem and Boo are the ones providing smoothies for Heidi Shadows. Clem also claims that the cost of running the smoothie business is low. A DS exclusive character, Jack I. Deal, also has a smoothie company, though he makes no mention of Heidi, unlike the bayou twins.

According to the Antique Locket's description from Mission 4, Boo's mother was called Bogland Bessie.


Interests and Interactions[]

Post Mission 5, Goal 4

Interest Dialogue
Urbz Interest Aliens Talk about Aliens Aliens are the least of your worries in the bayou. +1
Urbz Interest Art Talk about Art Now I sometimes draw little pictures in the mud with a stick, but I'd never try to sell it to you. -2
Urbz Interest Bayou Talk about the Bayou My brother Boo and me, we been living here for most our lives.[1] +3
Urbz Interest Books Talk about Books I'm going to write a cook book called "Bayou Booin' BBQing". +3
Urbz Interest Carnival Talk about the Carnival If I'd have stayed a vampire, the carnival might have tracked me down for their freak show. Phew! -2
Urbz Interest Cars Talk about Cars What use would we have for cars out on the bayou? Furniture maybe, but that's about it. -2
Urbz Interest TheLounge Talk about the Lounge It'd be nicer if they used that boat for something like... golly, I don't know... BOATING? -3
Urbz Interest Miniopolis Talk about Miniopolis People that live at high altitudes have fewer brain cells. I know that to be true. -2
Urbz Interest CoffeeShop Talk about the Coffee Shop I tell you what, I'd rather be dining like a vampire than drinking that yuppie swill. -3
Urbz Interest Computers Talk about Computers You mean my fingers? I can compute numbers with them, only not very big ones. 0
Urbz Interest Construction Talk about Construction Even though we built our house with our bare hands, next time we're going to use a couple hammers too. +3
Urbz Interest Cooking Talk about Cooking I'll remember the sweet flavor of my mamma's chocolate cake for as long as I live. Flour, sugar, chocolate... a simple recipe with a rich reward. +1
Urbz Interest Cosmos Talk about Cosmos Sometimes I philosophize and think, "Could there be a whole planet made of chocolate and hazelnut?" +3
Urbz Interest Crime Talk about Crime People in the city are always trying to pin blame on us for some crime. Even the nuclear waste. -3
Urbz Interest Dancing Talk about Dancing Gosh. Only when no one is looking, I suppose. It's too embarrassing. 0
Urbz Interest BadPun Tell a Bad Pun Heh. Very PUNNY. Heh heh. +3
Urbz Interest Exercize Talk about Excercise You got to consider what's wrong with you folks that you go INSIDE to go jogging. -3
Urbz Interest Market Talk about the Market If people want to buy and sell their junk, well okay. I prefer to make my own junk. 0
Urbz Interest HomeDecor Talk about Home Decor I killed me a python once and had it stuffed, but then sort of lost track of it. +2
Urbz Interest Games Talk about Games Not many games out here. Mostly I just like throwing things to and fro. +3
Urbz Interest Graveyard Talk about Graveyard It's a big old waste of space if you ask me. -3
Urbz Interest Hobbies Talk about Hobbies Apart from brewing smoothies, I like going on walks through the muck and mud. +3
Urbz Interest Health Talk about Health The one fine thing about being a vampire was never getting sick. It just didn't happen. +2
Urbz Interest Home Talk about Home What a fine bit of talk we're having. +2
Urbz Interest Hygiene Talk about Hygiene Oh yes, I take a shower once a month whether I'm dirty or not. +1
Urbz Interest Jail Talk about Jail Neither one of us has been to jail since we both decided to be judges for the whole bayou precinct. +1
Urbz Interest Law Talk about the Law Sure, I can make up some bayou rules if you like. Let's see... gosh. Any requests? 0
Urbz Interest Jobs Talk about Jobs The Red Man may look intimidating, but if you can beat him at his own game he'll pay handsomely. +1
Urbz Interest Simoleons Talk about Simoleons If you just tack the word "Super" in front of a product like we did, you can charge twice as much for it. +2
Urbz Interest Movies Talk about Movies There's lots of films out there that don't treat folks like us with respect. -3
Urbz Interest Museum Talk about the Museum I don't see a need for a museum in the bayou. Everything is already in the place it needs to be. -3
Urbz Interest Music Talk about Music I've been listening to organ music ever since I became a vampire, for some odd reason. +2
Urbz Interest Nature Talk about Nature Our smoothies are 100 percent natural, but the people who drink them aren't. -2
Urbz Interest Newspaper Talk about the Newspaper By the time we get newspapers here they're very old. So did you already know that men have been on the moon? -2
Urbz Interest Ninjas Talk about Ninjas That's a fine person there. The ninja is the only one selling me and my brother's smoothies. +3
Urbz Interest Politics Talk about Politics I got sick during a bayou election once so we had to call the whole thing off. 0
Urbz Interest River Talk about the River It's a pretty place, but gone are the days where you can swim in it. -3
Urbz Interest RepGroups Talk about Rep Groups Never heard of any of those folks? Richies? Nerdies? Streeties? Sounds like types of candy. 0
Urbz Interest Shopping Talk about Shopping Maybe Boo and I could set up a special shop for tourists? "Bayou Outfitters" or something like that. +1
Urbz Interest Science Talk about Science Clem thinks science will help make the perfect smoothie. But the real secret ingredient is Love. +1
Urbz Interest Sleep Talk about Sleeping I'm so happy to be human again. As a vampire I found coffins real uncomfortable. +2
Urbz Interest Sports Talk about Sports Sometimes Clem and I play a game called "Tease the Gatorboy". That's a hoot. +3
Urbz Interest Supernatural Talk about the Supernatural Clem and I have seen some things out here that would make your brain quiver. +1
Urbz Interest Television Talk about TV Staring at one of those things is like seeing your brain melt from the outside. -3
Urbz Interest Theatre Talk about Theatre No way in heck am I ever leaving the bayou. The world is outside is dangerous and mean. 0
Urbz Interest Travel Talk about Travel If Clem and me want a good show, we just make sock puppets and do funny voices. -2
Urbz Interest University Talk about the University The college student is a species of person I don't understand... never works, never sleeps, always angry. 0
Urbz Interest Weather Talk about the Weather It's not the heat, but the way the heat makes everything stink so bad that gets to me. -3
Urbz Interest Work Talk about Work I wanted to call our company Boo N' Clem's Super Shakes, but Clem didn't agree. 0
Urbz Interest TheWorld Talk about the World If the whole world were one big stinky bog, there's be a lot less problems. -1
Urbz Interest Annoy Annoy Keep pestering me and I'll sic a rabid nutria on you. -3
Urbz Interest Apologize Apologize Naw, listen. I owe you an apology for putting you through all that vampire business. +3
Urbz Interest Brag Brag You think you're cool, huh? You think so? Well you... you... you just ain't. -3
Urbz Interest CallName Call Name You sorry little turf toad. I'll get you for that. -3
Urbz Interest CheerUp Cheer Up You're right. The bayou may have its faults, but pavement isn't one of them. +3
Urbz Interest Complain Complain You should be complaining about your face, not your life. Heck, you can change your life. -3
Urbz Interest Compliment Compliment Aw, shucks. That's sweeter than a "moss 'n snail" smoothie! +3
Urbz Interest Entertain Entertain Nice, kiddo. Last time I saw someone do that he was wearing a tutu. +3
Urbz Interest Intimidate Intimidate Maybe if you were bigger, and meaner, and... heck you'd never scare me. -3
Urbz Interest Insult Insult My poppa was nothing of the kind! He was a real and decent HUMAN! -3
Urbz Interest Joke Joke Dang, it's good to hear an old joke from the new world. +3
Urbz Interest Gossip Gossip I don't know who it is you're talking about, but you sound like you're picking on them. -3
Urbz Interest GiveOpinion Give an Opinion You got an interesting way of complicating simple things. +3
Urbz Interest Secret Tell a Secret What good is a secret when there's only one person to keep it from? -3
Urbz Interest Tease Tease Look here now, I am sick and tired of people telling me I got pretty teeth. -3
Urbz Interest Cry Cry You shouldn't be wasting your water like that. In the bayou it's hard to find clean liquids to drink. 0
Urbz Interest RudeGesture Rude Gesture XXXNOTUSED[2] -6
Urbz Interest Flirt Flirt You like teeth this color, huh? Come a little closer and I'll let you keep one. +3
Urbz Interest JibbaJabba Jibba Jabba Ah, nah... G'wan an git loss, ya heah? +3
Urbz Interest Hug Hug (Reject) I don't want your cooties! -2
Urbz Interest Kiss Kiss (Reject) Keep your pucker to yourself, ya hear? -2
Urbz Interest Gift Gift (Accept) Gosh, that's a better present than my brother's ever given me. Varies
Urbz Interest Gift Gift (Reject) What would I need that for? N/A
Urbz Interest Errand Errand (Accept) Heck yeah you can help me! I need you to get this mummified gator to @2 as soon as you can. N/A
Urbz Interest Errand Errand (Reject) Naw. Ain't got nothing for you right now. Check back later or something. N/A
Urbz Interest MoveIn Move In (Reject) Naw. I'm happy out on the old bayou, thanks. N/A
Urbz Interest Other Silent Treatment I got nothing to say to you. N/A


Hour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
12:00 AM Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou
1:00 AM Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou
2:00 AM Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou
3:00 AM Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou
4:00 AM Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou
5:00 AM Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou
6:00 AM Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou
7:00 AM Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack
8:00 AM Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack
9:00 AM Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack
10:00 AM Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack
11:00 AM Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack
12:00 PM Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack
1:00 PM Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack
2:00 PM Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack
3:00 PM Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack
4:00 PM Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack
5:00 PM Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack
6:00 PM Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack
7:00 PM Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack Bayou Twins' Shack
8:00 PM Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack
9:00 PM Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack
10:00 PM Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack Inside Bayou Twins' Shack
11:00 PM Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou Bayou



  • His introduction implies that "Bayou Boo" is not his real name and is just a nickname.
  • His vampire appearance differs from GBA to Nintendo DS. In the GBA version, he has fangs, blue eyes and a string for his cloak. In the Nintendo DS version, however, he does not have fangs or a string for his cloak, and has grayish lilac eyes.
  • It is likely that Boo was not intended to be interacted with for most of the story, as some of his responses do not make sense. Some examples include:
    • Boo mentioning being a vampire before Mission 4, where he transforms into one.
    • Some of his dialogue lines call his brother "Boo" instead of "Clem."
    • The interaction "Rude Gesture" gives the placeholder text "XXXNOTUSED" instead of an actual response or the interaction not being used directly.


  1. This is also his brother's response when using the same interaction.
  2. Yes, this is what Bayou Boo actually says for this interaction.

Other languages[]

Language The Urbz: Sims in the City
English Bayou Boo
French Bob Bayou
German Kurt R. Finder
Italian Pino Paludino
Spanish Tino Pantano