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The onomatology (study of names) in Barnacle Bay:


  • Smuggler's Beach: Someone who steals things. Could refer to pirates.
  • Pirate's Hideaway: Where pirates hide.
  • Hogan's Deep Sea Diner: Referring to Hogan's Deep Fried Diner of Sunset Valley.
  • Founder's Beach: Dedicated to the person(s) who founded a place.
  • Goldbeard Galleon Gallery: A possible play on Blackbeard, a famous pirate.

Playable Sims[]

Abe family[]

Abe: A Japanese name which means "sun festival".

  • Patty: "Noble, patrician".
  • Serena: Derived from the Latin word serēnus, meaning "clear, tranquil, serene".

Annan family[]

Annan: A habitational name from a place in Dumfriesshire on the banks of the river Annan.

  • Finn: An Irish name which means "fair, blessed".
  • Flora: A Latin name which means "flower".
  • Fern: A type of green, leafy plant commonly found in damp woodland areas.
  • Philip: Derived from the Greek Φίλιππος (Philippos, lit. "horse-loving" or "fond of horses"), from a compound of φίλος (philos, "dear", "loved", "loving") and ἵππος (hippos, "horse").
  • Fawn: Derived from the French faon or feon, meaning “young deer”.
  • Daisy: Comes from the Old English word dægeseage, which means "day's eye".

Coastal family[]

Coastal: Relating to, located on, or bordering on a coast.

  • Jake: A Hebrew name which means "supplanter".
  • Josephine: A French feminine derivative of John, meaning "God will increase".

Odessa Cross[]

  • Odessa: "Wrathful; one who receives pain".
  • Cross: A topographical name given to those who lived at or near a cross or crucifix, a common structure in the medieval countryside.

Darwin family[]

Darwin: Evolved from the Old English Deorwine; means "dear friend".

  • Lewis-Charlie: Lewis is a German name which means "renowned warrior, famous in battle". Charlie is a German name which means "free man".
  • Preethi:A variant of Preeti, which is derived from the Sanskrit word "प्रीति" (prīti), meaning "pleasure", "joy", "kindness", "favor", "grace", "love", from प्री (prī).

Fiona Fleet[]

  • Fiona: A Gaelic name which means "white, fair".
  • Fleet: A topographic surname which may have originated from someone who lived near a watercourse or estuary.

Goldbeard family[]

Goldbeard: May be referring to the famous pirate Blackbeard.

  • Eleanor: A Greek name which means "light-hearted".
  • Anne: A Hebrew name which means "God has favored me".
  • Tobias: A Hebrew name which means "God is good".
  • Coral: A Latin name which means "limestone skeleton".
  • Kidd: A Scottish name which means "young goat".

Inkbeard family[]

Inkbeard: May be a play on the famous pirate Blackbeard.

  • Shorty-John: Shorty is an American name which means "short in stature". John is a Hebrew name which means "God is gracious".
  • Victoria: Latin word for victory.
  • Morgan: A Welsh name which means "sea-born".
  • Aeisha: An Arabic name which means "alive and well, womanly".
  • Pearl: “The finest specimen of its kind,” in allusion to the gem, from the Latin perua, a shellfish.
  • Bart: A Dutch and Ashkenazi Jewish surname, derived from the name Bartholomäus, a German form of the biblical name Bartholomew meaning 'son of talmai' in

Dude La Mer[]

  • Dude: Slang for male.
  • La Mer: May be referring to the song La Mer, also known as Beyond the Sea.

Lai family[]

Lai: A Chinese surname that can be written in 4 different ways: "to depend on, to hang on in a place, bad, to renege (on promise), to disclaim, to rat (on debts), rascally, to blame, to put the blame on".

  • Gil: A Hebrew name which means "young goat," as well as "happiness” or “joy".
  • Laurel: In combination with her surname, this is a homophone for "Lorelei", a feminine water spirit that is rumored to send sailors to their deaths by luring them near cliffs with her beautiful singing voice.
  • Jonah: Derived from the Hebrew: יוֹנָה, Yonā, meaning dove or pigeon.

Malifa family[]

Malifa: Italian habitational name that likely originated from Malfa, a town on the island of Salina in Messina.

  • Buzz: An American name which means "village in the woods".
  • Petunia: Refers to the bright, bell-shaped flower with white or pink blossoms. The name's origins are thought to be in the French word pétun, which means "tobacco".
  • Marcus: A Latin name which means "dedicated to Mars".

Willy McKellar[]

  • Willy: Originates from the Old High German name Willahelm, which is a combination of the words wil, meaning "will" or "desire," and helm, meaning "helmet" or "protector".
  • McKellar: An Anglicized form of the Gaelic name Mac Ealair, which means "son of Ealair".

Jasmine Noon[]

  • Jasmine: A Persian name which means "gift from God" or "fragrant flower".
  • Noon: From the Middle English words none and noene, which mean "noon" or "the time of brightest sunshine". This may have been a nickname for someone who was born at that time of day or was bright and cheerful.

Parrrrrrrty household[]

  • Juan Jr Inkbeard: Juan is a Spanish and Manx version of the name John, and it means "God has been gracious". Inkbeard may be a play on the famous pirate Blackbeard.
  • Ahmed Barbarossa: Ahmed is an Arabic name which means "highly praised" or "most commendable". Barbarossa is an Italian name which means "red beard".
  • Lee-Roy Johnkins: Lee-Roy may be a variant of Leroy, which comes from the Old French phrase "le roi" which means "the king". The name was most popular in the mid-nineteenth century and is still popular in African American communities and in Europe. It is unknown what Johnkins means.

Moe Pesce[]

  • Moe: A Spanish form of the Hebrew name Mosheh, which may mean "deliver".
  • Pesce: An Italian last name that comes from the word pesce, which means "fish".

Dave Piece[]

  • Dave: A shortened form of the name David, and means "beloved".
  • Piece: May have originated from the Anglo-Norman French and Middle English names Piers, Peres, and Peris. These names are Old French nominatives of Pierre or Per, which is the French form of Peter. It may also be an Americanized version of a similar-sounding Jewish surname.

Thomas Quill[]

  • Thomas: means "twin" and comes from the Greek word toma.
  • Quill: An anglicized version of the Irish surname Ó Cuill, which means "descendant of Coll".

Radan household[]

  • Richie Radan: Richie is an English name which means "brave ruler". Radan comes from the name Radak, which is derived from the word rad meaning "glad" or "merry".
  • Rahul Patel: Rahul means "able," "efficient," or "moon" in Sanskrit and Pali. Patel means "landowner" in Gujarati.

Rao family[]

Rao: A shortened form of the Germanic name Radulfo, which is made up of the elements hrōd meaning "fame renown" and wulf meaning "wolf".

  • Roger: A German name which means "famous spearman".
  • Mia: Comes from the ancient Egyptian word mery or myr, which means "beloved".

Rose Rome[]

  • Rose: A Latin name which means "flower".
  • Rome: A English habitational name from the city of Rome or Italy, or a nickname for someone who had a connection with Rome.

Agnes Seabottom[]

  • Agnes: Means "pure" or "holy" and is derived from the Greek word Hagnḗ.
  • Seabottom: Unknown.

Bunny Shore[]

  • Bunny: An English name which means "little rabbit".
  • Shore: Derived from Middle English s(c)hore 'shore, bank, coast, steep slope, cliff'.

Jeff Smith[]

  • Jeff: A British name which means "God's peace" or "pledge".
  • Smith: "To hit" or "to strike" and derived from the Old English word smið.

Soto family[]

Soto: Derived from the Spanish soto, meaning "grove" or "small wood".

  • Felix: Comes from the Latin word felix and means "happy" or "lucky".
  • Mary: A Latin and Greek name which means "drop of the sea," "bitterness," "beloved," and "wished for a child".

Alec Trebo[]

  • Alec: A derivative of the name Alexander and is associated with noble figures who protect their communities.
  • Trebo: Unknown.

Juliet Verona[]

Her name may be a reference to Shakespeare's play, "Romeo and Juliet" based in Verona, Italy.

Luisa Libros[]

  • Luisa: "Famous warrior". It is the feminine form of the name Louis, which comes from the Frankish name Chlodowig, which is derived from the Germanic words hlod ("fame") and wig ("combat").
  • Libros: Unknown.

GilsCarbo family[]

GilsCarbo: Unknown.

  • Alice: A German name which means "noble" and "exalted".
  • Celeste: A Latin name which means "heavenly".


Roni Pepper: A possible play on Pepperoni, a sort of pizza.

Bea Mine: A pun on "Be Mine".

Spot Dalmatia: A play on the dog breed Dalmatian, which is often used as emergency dogs for firefighters.

Robi Baron: A reference to the infamous American industrialists known as "robber barons" in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Mort Gauge: A pun on "Mortgage".

Chase Cruz: A play on "Chase Cruise".
