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The Sims 3
For other meanings, see Athletic (disambiguation).

A Sim playing soccer

W athletic skill

Athletic is a skill in The Sims 3. Sims with the Athletic trait gain the skill faster. Athletic Sims enjoy working out, and get a cool vibe when they are at the gym. Most Athletic Sims will aspire to work out, or to become a professional athlete. Athletic Sims can also train others, and enjoy talking about Athletics with other Sims.

Once a Sim has maximized their Athletic skill, they will receive a certificate in the mailbox a few days later, along with a notification saying: "The Grodiek Institute for Advanced Athletic Achievement congratulates you, for achieving the very highest level of excellence in your athletic endeavors. Please accept this handsomely framed certificate and display it with pride knowing others will see just how skilled you are."


  • Hours of Cardio Workouts
  • Hours of Strength Workouts
  • Distance Jogged
  • Soccer Rank[TS3:S]
  • Wins-Losses-Draws[TS3:S]



Body Builder
Body Builders have dedicated at least 60 hours to strength workouts. This dedication pays off, because they are never fatigued after strength workouts.
Marathon Runner
Marathon Runners must run at least 500 kilometers before they earn the title. However, accomplishing this incredible feat guarantees them a longer, healthier life.
Fitness Nut
Fitness Nuts have spent 75 hours focusing on cardio workouts. All that time experiencing the burn means they are no longer fatigued after cardio workouts.


Level Ability Notes
1 Don't Break a Sweat Stops the Sim's hygiene from depleting.
1 Jog Allows the Sim to jog to any location.
3 Good Pacing Allows the Sim work out longer before getting fatigued.
3 Pumped Sim gains the "Pumped Up" moodlet when working out long enough.
5 Push Self Allows the Sim to work out longer and harder at the cost of being more sore.
5 Run Faster Run faster when using 'Go Here' interaction.
6 Train Allows the Sim to train another Sim. This will boost the Athletic skill gain rate of the trainee.
7 Quick Burst Sim Works Out much faster and experiences the gains, hygiene decay and fatigue much sooner.


Icon Name Lifetime Happiness Description Trigger EP
W athletic skill
W learn s
Learn Athletic Skill 500 Your Sim seeks to learn something new to enrich and enlighten. Have your Sim refine a talent to perhaps pick up a new skill! &BG
TS3 Icon
W athletic skill
W learn s
Take a Class in the Athletic Skill 500 Your Sim wants to take a [sic] Athletic Skill class to learn the skill. Visit the Stadium to enroll in the class. &BG
TS3 Icon
W athletic skill
W improve s
Improve Athletic Skill 500 Learning is an exciting pursuit many Sims enjoy. Your Sim wants to improve a skill so they can do more things with the knowledge! Practice the skill until your Sim gains a level. &BG
TS3 Icon
W swim interaction
Go Swimming 150 Swimming is always a refreshing, healthy choice of entertainment, whether it's at home or at the public pool. Your Sim wants to go swimming! &BG
TS3 Icon
W jog interaction
Go Jogging 150 Your Sim seeks the solace and pace of a neighborhood jog. Pick the route and strap on some sneakers. &BG
TS3 Icon
W jog interaction
Do a Cardio Workout 375 Bend, flex, and keep the heart rate up! Your Sim wants to burn a few calories using the treadmill, taking a jog, or using the Fitness Channel on TV. &BG
TS3 Icon
W strong
Do a Strength Workout 375 The muscle groups are begging for a workout and your Sim is eager and ready to comply. Muscle up with the TV's fitness channel or using the workout bench. &BG
TS3 Icon
W strong
Become More Muscular 300 Your Sim wants to build strong muscles -- time to hit the weights! Of course, change won't come overnight. &BG
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W workout bench
W fatigued s
Work Out Until Fatigued 450 Your Sim wants to workout until the body can take no more and fatigue sets in. Purchase some exercise equipment, go for a jog, or workout in front of the TV. &BG
TS3 Icon
W workout bench
W number 4 s
Work Out for [#] Hours Straight Varies Your Sim wants to push the envelope and feel the burn! You can do it! &BG
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W athletic skill
W top level s
Master the Athletic Skill 5,000 Mastering a Skill takes a great patience and dedication, but your Sim aspires to be the best. Have your Sim practice the skill and complete Opportunities, and great things will happen. &BG
TS3 Icon


  • Since Generations or patch 1.22, children no longer gain Athletic skill. They will instead learn the hidden Child Athletic skill up to level 3, which will transfer into Athletic skill once they grow up to teenagers.
  • With Showtime, teenagers who start raising Athletic skill will make the Master Acrobat lifetime wish appear.
  • Athletic skill also determines the success rate of physical fights when two Sims are in poor social standings with each other. In general, the Sim with the higher Athletic skill is more likely to win the fight. Completing the Body Builder skill challenge also adds a bonus to the chance for a Sim to come out on top at the end of a fight.
  • Sim with high skill point can run faster than sim with lower skill point.