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The Sims 3: Pets
Ashleigh Ashford
Ashleigh Ashford
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Young-Adult Young Adult
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Family Ashford family
Marital status Single
Traits Trait Over-Emotional small Over-Emotional
Trait Genius small Genius
Trait Daredevil small Daredevil
Trait Schmoozer small Schmoozer
Trait Athletic small Athletic
Hidden traits Trait Pyromaniac small Pyromaniac
Zodiac sign LeoLN Leo
Lifetime wish LTW Heartbreaker Heartbreaker
Favorites Fav Latin Latin
Fav Hot Dog Hot Dog
Fav Red Red
Hair color Haircolor8-TS3 Orange
Eye color Eye-brown Brown
Skin color Light skin-TS3 Light
Body shape Fit Fit
Other information
Game TS3P Icon The Sims 3: Pets
Playability NPC
World Appaloosa Plains

Ashleigh Ashford is a pre-made NPC firefighter residing in Appaloosa Plains, the world shipped with The Sims 3: Pets. She can be made playable by marrying her, or befriending and asking her to move in. She doesn't have any skills or relationships at the start of the game. Her male counterpart is Kale Parrott.

