Not exactly the most glorious job in the world, but someone needs to mix the cement. This entry level job requires no real skills other than a little attention to detail and the desire to keep going to a job where you mix cement all day long.
Wage: §155/day
08:00 - 15:00
Pension: §55/day
Bonus: None
2) Brick Layer
You've moved off the factory floor and onto lots where actual homes are being built! Doing your small part to help erect structures both residential and commercial, laying bricks and spreading that goop to make them stick together is only a bit tougher than mixing cement. Learn enough about bricks, though, and you might just get to supervise other people doing it.
Wage: §176/day
08:00 - 15:00
Pension: §62/day
Bonus: §352
3) Foreman
Finally in charge of more than just yourself, you've made foreman of the construction team! You initiative has been noticed. Now put a little logic behind that mechanical knowledge of yours and someone might actually mistake you for an architect.
Wage: §248/day
08:00 - 15:00
Pension: §88/day
Bonus: §568
4) Head of Construction Company
You've mastered cement, bricks, and various steel bars. You've led small teams into construction emergencies and made them work. Now you've got the ultimate high-level view of building buildings as the head of the construction company. Show some good leadership skills and work on your creativity and those lofty architects might suddenly take an interest in you.
Wage: §415/day
10:00 - 17:00
Pension: §148/day
Bonus: §830
5) Architect's Apprentice
Construction is for chumps. You've made it inside the walls of the architecture firm, standing beside (or more often, behind) your mentor, who is going to teach you everything you need to know about how to design beautiful, beautiful buildings. Oh, and can you get him some coffee?
Wage: §525/day
09:00 - 16:00
Pension: §187/day
Bonus: §1,020
6) Draftsman
You've finally got your own desk and own drafting table, tilted at the perfect angle, with straightedges and writing implements galore. Now's your opportunity to show that you can take an abstract building design, and through a series of straight lines, turn it into a blueprint. Keep building all the skills that got you here and you'll be a certified architect in no time!
Wage: §615/day
09:00 - 16:00
Pension: §219/day
Bonus: §1,230
7) Architect
You've made it. The firm has given you all the necessary credentials to be an architect anyplace in the world, and you're well on your way to getting your first building built. A little extra creativity is just what the architectural world needs right now.
Wage: §985/day
09:00 - 16:00
Pension: §351/day
Bonus: §1,970
8) Architectural Partner
Wow. You made partner. The firm is now partially under your guiding hand, and a little bit of business knowledge will go a long way. Work on making good logical decisions and don't forget your construction roots. It's not just about making buildings. It's about making them great.
Wage: §1,123/day
10:00 - 17:00
Pension: §401/day
Bonus: §2,246
9) Master Architect
You're a living legend, and when people pass by the houses and offices you've designed, they know they're in the presence of greatness. Keep reaching for the sky with more and more creative ventures and the world will be your oyster shaped opera house.
Wage: §1,970/day
10:00 - 16:00
Pension: §703/day
Bonus: §3,940
10) City Planner
An entire city is at your disposal and the decisions you make affect thousands of Sims. Where should the hospital go? What style of houses best fit this residential district? We need more parks! The questions and demands of the populace fall to you, dear city planner. Answer them. Meet them. This is what you were meant to do.
Wage: §2,300/day
09:00 - 16:00
Pension: §657/day
Bonus: §4,600
Career Levels
1) Cement Mixer
Not exactly the most glorious job in the world, but someone needs to mix the cement. This entry level job requires no real skills other than a little attention to detail and the desire to keep going to a job where you mix cement all day long.
Wage: §56/day
15:00 - 18:00
Bonus: None
2) Brick Layer
You've moved off the factory floor and onto lots where actual homes are being built! Doing your small part to help erect structures both residential and commercial, laying bricks and spreading that goop to make them stick together is only a bit tougher than mixing cement. Learn enough about bricks, though, and you might just get to supervise other people doing it.
Wage: §76/day
15:00 - 18:00
Bonus: §152
3) Foreman
Finally in charge of more than just yourself, you've made foreman of the construction team! Your initiative has been notices. Now put some logic behind that mechanical knowledge of yours and someone might actually mistake you for an architect.
Wage: §102/day
15:00 - 18:00
Bonus: §204
Architecture Chance Cards
1) Cement Mixer
The factory receives a huge order of cement from a very prestigious company. The boss tells <Sim> this could be the break that the company needs to bring in more business in the future. <Sim> is ordered to make twice the amount of cement he/she usually makes. So <Sim> has a great idea of making two mixers going on at the same time, cutting his/her work in half. As <Sim> is pouring ingredients into the mixer he/she notices that his/her shoes are untied. He/She proceeds to tie them and forgets how much of the ingredients he/she has already poured in. What should <Sim> do?
Continue with this Batch
Success: Promoted to Brick Layer
% chance
Failure: Get Fired
% chance
Restart and make a New Batch
Success: Promoted to Brick Layer
% chance
Failure: Get Fired
% chance
2) Brick Layer
<Sim> is ordered to build a wall near the side of the road near an elderly home. This was due to a complaint that nearby traffic was disturbing the members of the home. As <Sim> is building the wall, he/she notices part of the wall sinking into the ground. The incomplete wall can be seen to be deforming the soft foundation leading to an imperfect wall structure. The wall must be complete by the end of the day. Should <Sim> rebuild part of the sinking wall or add more bricks to it?
Add more Bricks
Success: +§100
% chance
Failure: Demoted to Cement Mixer
% chance
Rebuild the Wall
Success: +1
% chance
Failure: Demoted to Cement Mixer
% chance
3) Foreman
<Sim> receives an emergency road work request: there was a major car crash and the ensuing fire has destroyed part of a major roadway. <Sim> is in charge of the repairs on the road and has to try and complete the work as soon as possible. When <Sim> gets to the site, he/she surveys the damage and draws up a repair plan in his/her head. <Sim> can either call in heavy machinery to help do the work or have all his/her workers there and use hand tools. What should he/she do?
Call in the Heavy Machinery
Success: Promoted to Head of Construction Company
% chance
Failure: -§248 (a day's pay)
% chance
Have the Workers start with what they have
Success: +§100
% chance
Failure: -1
% chance
4) Head of Construction Company
While in the office, <Sim> receives two different project deals from separate clients. The local government has proposed a contract to construct a new freeway near a heavy populated residential area while a highly prestigious businessman would like to commission the company to build him a new skyscraper. With the company's current manpower, the construction company can only take one of the deals. Which project should <Sim> decide to focus on getting a contract with?
Local Government
Success: +§100
% chance
Failure: Demoted to Foreman
% chance
Wealthy Businessman
Success: +§100
% chance
Failure: Demoted to Foreman
% chance
5) Architect's Apprentice
While working in <Sim>'s cubical a fellow co-worker stops by and begins conversing about current events. <Sim> has a terrain survey report due today and needs time to work on it. <Sim> doesn't want to be rude, so he/she tries to keep the conversation brief. Oblivious to <Sim>'s hints, the co-worker suggests they go down to the nearby kitchen to grab a drink and continue the discussion. Should <Sim> humor his/her co-worker and hopefully lose him in the kitchen or tell the co-worker nicely to leave him/her alone?
Go to the Kitchen
Success: +1
% chance
Failure: -§525 (a day's pay)
% chance
Ask to Leave Alone
Success: +1
% chance
Failure: -1
% chance
6) Draftsman
The boss has taken notice of <Sim>'s hard work and his/her job confidence is soaring. He/She is able to work quickly and sometimes lend a hand to other workers in a jam. A fellow draftsman asks for help with a difficult design. <Sim> considers helping out but is dealing with pressure to meet a fast approaching deadline. Not wanting to disappoint his/her boss or the coworker, <Sim> must decide to help his/her teammate or not. What should he/she do?
Help the Teammate
Success: +1
% chance
Failure: Demoted to Architect's Apprentice
% chance
Do not Help the Teammate
Success: Promoted to Architect
% chance
Failure: -1
% chance
7) Architect
<Sim>'s firm has been chosen to compete in a prestigious architectural design contest. He/She, along with a few other architects, is hand picked for an opportunity of a lifetime. All designs go before the Partners and <Sim> is one of the finalists. For the next round, <Sim> must work in a team of two and finds himself/herself alongside a stubborn co-worker whose style is completely opposite from his/her own. Compromise seems to be out of the question. Will <Sim> sacrifice or stick to his/her ideas?
Success: +1
% chance
Failure: -1
% chance
Fight for Idea
Success: +§2,000
% chance
Failure: -§985 (a day's pay)
% chance
8) Architectural Partner
While looking at resumes for a position, <Sim> comes across a very interesting CV. An architect from Simigistan with years of experience has applied as a draftman. This applicant would certainly make a great draftsman for a very low salary, but he is not certified by the Architectual Board of Sim City! It would be a shame to pass up such a great candidate, but if the Board finds out about the lack of certification, the firm will be fined. What should <Sim> do?
Hire Him!
Success: +§3,000
% chance
Failure: -§3,000
% chance
Don't Risk a Fine
Success: Promoted to Master Architect
% chance
Failure: Demoted to Architect
% chance
9) Master Architect
When Sim City was looking for someone to design the new city hall, <Sim> decided to submit his/her ideas and received great feedback. Today, the city council wants to inspect the final models and make a decision on who will get the contract. Just before the presentation, <Sim> notices that the other firm has left their model unattended. It would be oh so easy for <Sim> to make a few "subtle" changes. What should <Sim> do?
Mess up the Model
Success: +§12,000
% chance
Failure: Get Fired
% chance
Don't Touch It
Success: +§15,000
% chance
Failure: -§9,000
% chance
10) City Planner
A new contract presents <Sim> with his/her boldest challenge yet: planning the layout of an entire city. After a lot of thinking, he/she has a solid idea for a modern city that would not wow, but at least please the customers. However, last night <Sim> had a dream of a completely different design. It was experimental and groundbreaking, but will anyone like it? Which plan should <Sim> follow?
Use the Safe Design
Success: +§40,000
% chance
Failure: -§25,000
% chance
Go with the Dream!
Success: +§50,000
% chance
Failure: -§35,000
% chance
For more information on Chance Cards in The Sims 2, see Chance card.
Finders keepers is the first rule of the cleanup crew. As a result, you are now the proud owner of Jasper's fourth wooden thumb - a remnant from his fifth accident to the same appendage. It's the key piece on your Shelf of Interest, next to that funny foreign coin you found.
09:00 - 17:00
Wage: §252/day
Bonus: §504
3) Roofer
Roofers are the rock stars of the construction game. Maybe it's their confident swagger, or their wanton disregard for the dangers of structural heights. Whatever it is, you got it now, so don't be surprised if you're greeted every morning by hordes of on-site roofer groupies.
08:00 - 16:00
Wage: §350/day
Bonus: §1,708
4) Mason
What weighs more, a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks? As a professional mason, you'll discover the answer to this and other difficult questions. Armed with a trowel, some plaster, and piles of bricks, you approach each job with a love reserved for only the most sensitive bricklayers.
09:00 - 16:00
Wage: §448/day
Bonus: §896
5) Electrician
Like most electricians, you fell into this line of work purely by chance. Now you have to actually learn all this electricity stuff, and there are a lot of rules. Break any one of them and the results could be shocking.
09:00 - 16:00
Wage: §560/day
Bonus: §1,120
6) Assistant Site Foreman
Construction crews can be a demanding bunch, and as an Assistant Site Foreman, your job is to keep them happy. This means frequent doughnut runs, keeping real-time sports updates, and memorizing all the latest jokes.
15:00 - 23:00
Wage: §728/day
Bonus: §1,456
7) Site Foreman
There's only one thing that separates a good Site Foreman from a great one: discipline. Run a tight enough ship and you might just win a Golden Hammer at the next Academy of Construction Arts and Sciences awards ceremony.
09:00 - 15:00
Wage: §924/day
Bonus: §1,848
8) Contractor
Rogue by nature, professional by invoice - contractors know how to pick the right people for any given project. And as a contractor in the construction business, you are expected to uphold the proud tradition of vague estimates, missed deadlines, and runaway budgets.
09:00 - 14:00
Wage: §1,400/day
Bonus: §2,800
9) Architect
Famous architect Enrique Gonzalez once said, "I want to bring out the best in a community and contribute something of permanent value". And, indeed, history has smiled warmly on his accomplishments. Unfortunately, Gonzalez also said, "I am a chicken, bwawk, bwawk, bwawk," so take his advice with a grain of salt.
14:00 - 20:00
Wage: §1,665/day
Bonus: §3,330
10) Developer
If you can look at a dilapidated town landmark and imagine a tacky coffee franchise in its place, then you might just have what it takes to be a successful developer. This town is ready to grow, so think big and plant the weedy seeds of future urban sprawl.
17:00 - 23:00
Wage: §2,100/day
Bonus: §4,200
The Sims 3: Ambitions[]
Female Sim with measuring tape
The architectural designer career was introduced in The Sims 3: Ambitionsexpansion pack. It is much more interactive than The Sims 2 version. Players will get requests from other Sims in their neighborhood to make over rooms using the new Renovation Mode. The Architectural Designer career is more like an interior decorator.
"Architectural design is a powerful creative career path and one that can greatly impact your town. Sims throughout the neighborhood will call your architectural designer sim to do a huge assortment of design jobs, which may include the addition of a man cave, a book nook, a kitchen redesign, or an entire home makeover. It's also really cool how client jobs are driven by the clients themselves--and not some random cycle. Expecting parents will request a new baby room, Sims with new roommates will ask for a new room for their "bro," and Sims who love to paint will ask for an art studio. It's really powerful to see how your sim can impact the neighborhood around them."
The Renovation Mode interface used by Architects
Architects get work opportunities based on the story progression feature, so that if a pair of Sims in the neighborhood have had a baby they may request a nursery, or a sim with the Bookworm trait may request a reading room.[2] Architects will be able to do both exterior and interior renovations, and even full home makeovers. Each job presents the architect with a strict budget. Client Sims review the architect's work, and they can give bonuses for good jobs. Architects can overspend on their budget in the hopes that a bonus will cover the additional costs.
Promotion Levels[]
Architectural Designer Career Levels
1) Fabric Fetcher
During work hours, find some jobs around town and get to work. The budgets might be small at the bottom, but every great Architectural Designer had to start somewhere.
Perk: Portfolio to store work
Stipend: §272/week
Exp to Promo: 800xp
Days: S M T W T F S
Work Hours: 08:00 - 18:00
Skills: Painting
Responsibilities: Remodeling, Painting and Reviews
2) Pattern Spotter
You've learned to get most the paint onto the wall and not all over yourself. It's time to move up to some slightly larger jobs with bigger budgets. Start getting to know your clients and catering to their tastes and you will get much better ratings.
Stipend: §336/week
Exp to Promo: 800xp
Days: S M T W T F S
Work Hours: 08:00 - 18:00
Skills: Painting
Responsibilities: Remodeling, Painting, Reviews
3) Placement Planner
Your career is off to a decent start with a few good projects behind you. It's time to get together a portfolio to showcase pictures of your work. Maybe you could use it to convince neighborhood Sims that they need your expertise for their next remodel.
Perk: Use portfolio to convince Sims to renovate
Stipend: §400/week
Exp to Promo: 1,200xp
Days: S M T W T F S
Work Hours: 08:00 - 18:00
Skills: Painting
Responsibilities: Remodeling, Painting, Reviews
4) Feng Shui Fiend
You are starting to show some confidence and your clients have noticed. When the budget gets tight, look for some old furniture that is begging to be sold -- clients won't miss that old painting, and surely they don't like that aged rug anyway. You are the architectural designer. Your opinion is law.
Stipend: §560/week
Exp to Promo: 1,600xp
Days: S M T W T F S
Work Hours: 08:00 - 18:00
Skills: Painting
Responsibilities: Remodeling, Painting, Reviews
5) Décor Debutant
Word is getting around about your exquisite taste, and the local press has taken notice of your recent work. The public eye is upon you. Get out there and prove that you are the best designer around.
Perk: Take measurements to earn bonus points on score
Stipend: §584/week
Exp to Promo: 2,000xp
Days: S M T W T F S
Work Hours: 08:00 - 18:00
Skills: Painting
Responsibilities: Remodeling, Painting, Reviews
6) Furniture Fashionista
Now that you are starting to get bigger jobs - and bigger paychecks - clients are expecting more from your work. Think about who you are as a designer and how to best express that in a way that will satisfy your clients' tastes and needs. This isn't just about getting pages in your portfolio! It's about crafting interiors Sims the world over will recognize and adore.
Stipend: §800/week
Exp to Promo: 2,400xp
Days: S M T W T F S
Work Hours: 08:00 - 18:00
Skills: Painting
Responsibilities: Remodeling, Painting, Reviews
7) Regent of Rugs
Sims are exposed to your work all around town and recognize your haute style! It's time to show them that you aren't a one trick pony who stumbled upon two or three patterns that just happened to go together. Hypnotize the populace with your brilliant color combinations and stylish patterned creations!
Stipend: §1,120/week
Exp to Promo: 2,800xp
Days: S M T W T F S
Work Hours: 08:00 - 18:00
Skills: Painting
Responsibilities: Remodeling, Painting, Reviews
8) Aesthetic Architect
Architectural designers enrich lives by refashioning the spaces where Sims live and work. you have made many of your neighbors very happy through your expert use of secondary and analogous colors. Your swank designs are known world wide after being featured in the architectural design digests. Fame and fortune are yours, with greater success beckoning on the horizon.
Perk: Discuss renovation to learn client traits
Stipend: §1,440/week
Exp to Promo: 3,200xp
Days: S M T W T F S
Work Hours: 08:00 - 18:00
Skills: Painting
Responsibilities: Remodeling, Painting, Reviews
9) Sultan of Style
They worship you at furniture stores. Slabs of granite are being flown from all over the world in hopes you might select them for one of your projects. Customers are begging you to find time to talk about their upholstery needs. Keep up your dazzling designs! Hard work and sensational color combinations will help make sure that you aren't becoming yesterday's fad.
Perk: Discounts on Buy/Build objects
Stipend: §1,520/week
Exp to Promo: 3,600xp
Days: S M T W T F S
Work Hours: 08:00 - 18:00
Skills: Painting
Responsibilities: Remodeling, Painting, Reviews
10) Dictator of Design
You are a household name. Talk show hosts beg you to come and dazzle audiences with your insight on swank style. Sims everywhere dream of having you redesign their home in order to diversify their disinteresting lives. Now that the world is hanging on your every brushstroke, and contemplating your every color combination, create something exceptionally memorable for all the world to admire!
Stipend: §2,480/week
Exp to Promo: 4,000xp
Days: S M T W T F S
Work Hours: 08:00 - 18:00
Skills: Painting
Responsibilities: Remodeling, Painting, Reviews
Career Rewards[]
Architectural Designer's Honor Trophy: Complete 5 Jobs
Architectural Designer's Valor Trophy: Complete 25 Jobs
Architectural Designer's Medal: Complete 50 Jobs
Architectural Designer's Key to the Town: Reach Level 10
Empirical Building Model: Complete 15 Jobs at Level 10
Some things can affect the outcome.
Homemade paintings can significantly raise the decor score.
Here is a list of traits that affect the outcome:
Artistic: Likes objects with high Look-At score
Bookworm: Likes bookshelves
Can't stand Art: Hates every object with "View" interaction
Computer Whiz: Likes all computers except cheap ones
Couch Potato: Likes all comfy objects
Easily Impressed: Gives a higher score randomly
Evil: Gives bonus points for every windowless room
Frugal: Extra points for unused cash
Hates Outdoors: Same as Evil
Loves Outdoors: Extra score for every Window
Natural Cook: Extra score for expensive food-preparation objects and appliances
Party animal: Extra score for expensive stereos and party-objects
Snob: Penalty for unused cash, extra score for every mirror
Technophobe: hates electric devices
Virtuoso: Bonus for guitars and stereos
Workaholic: Likes desks and computers
All other traits don't seem to affect the result.
Additionally the result is affected by:
Sim's job level
If dirty or broken objects are used
Discussing the renovation with the client
An "environment score" (this is rather complicated and looks at room size, whether or not the rooms are lit, decoration, missing flooring and wall covering, etc.)
If objects and surfaces are reachable
Doing measurements
Using homemade objects
Extra score for plants and rugs
Fulfill all requirements
It also has been noticed that reaching a certain level in the Architecture career (about 8-9) results in the lowering of Buy/Build items without even the Handiness skill.
Dissatisfaction and refusal to finish renovation[]
Sometimes the customer will complain about living in squalor and refuse to let the architect finish the work until they "give them enough to live with." This is often due to deletion of necessary items such as beds, bathrooms, kitchens, lights, etc.; they also do not accept alternatives introduced in expansions such as sonic showers[TS3:ITF] and food synthesizers[TS3:ITF].
It can also be due to a pre-existing problem. For example, there may be a situation where there are more people living in the house than there are beds. This can happen when the family expands due to Story Progression, or when a toddler grows into a child and can no longer sleep in a crib.
When this happens, the architect will have to rectify the problem even if they were not contracted to do so, and did nothing to reduce the number of beds available.
The Sims 4: Dream Home Decorator[]
The Sims 4: Dream Home Decorator includes an Interior Decorator career, where Sims visit clients' homes (or community lots, depending on their career level) and renovate them based on the clients' preferences. Inspired by the Architectural Designer career from The Sims 3: Ambitions, the Interior Decorator career borrows a lot from its predecessor, while expanding upon it. In the Sims 4, the Interior Decorator career is acts as a mix between the active professions from The Sims 4: Get to Work and the freelancer careers introduced in various packs.
This section is in need of additional information. You can help The Sims Wiki by expanding this section.
Finding a Gig[]
Once a sim chooses the Interior Decorator career from their phone or computer, the career panel will host a button for the player to choose a gig. Gigs will occur 1-2 days after they are accepted. They can be broken down into room renovations, room additions, level renovations, level additions, and commercial renovations. Each gig will display base pay, budget, and which household is offering the gig. The chosen gig will be displayed in the career panel and show a list of requirements the sim should do to ensure a better result. A sim can only hold one gig at a time. Every gig lasts 12 hours from 9am and 9pm.
Types of Gigs[]
Room Renovation
Room Renovation (Any Room), Bathroom Renovation, Bedroom Renovation, Kids Room Renovation, Walk In Closet Renovation
Room Addition
Room Addition, Bathroom Addition, In Law Unit Addition, Nursery Addition, Walk In Closet Renovation
Photography Studio Addition (Get to Work/Moschino Stuff?), Arcade Addition, Pick A Room Addition
Up and Comer Client Room Renovation (Get Famous)
Level Renovation
Level Renovation, Living Room Level Renovation, Living Room & Kitchen Level Renovation, Fabulous Living Room Renovation
Level Addition
Level Addition, Top Floor Family Room Level Addition, Top Floor Office & Bathroom Addition, Photography Studio Level Addition, A Level for Him/Her
Celebrity Home Level Addition (Get Famous)
Add a Level to this Home
Commercial Renovation
Bar Renovation, Club Renovation, Gym Renovation, Library Renovation, Lounge Renovation
Café Renovation (Get Together), Vet Clinic Renovation (Cats & Dogs)
Simucation Council Commission (Gallery)
Completing a Gig[]
Understanding the Client[]
To complete a gig, the sim should arrive at the lot prior to or at 9am. Once they arrive, the sim needs to greet the clients and understand their likes and dislikes. Likes and dislikes will consist of decor styles, colors, and hobbies. Displayed under the gig in the career panel will be a list of up to 5 likes or dislikes, though the sim can ask the clients if they have any other likes and dislikes, but will be displayed in the notifications tab. Likes and dislikes in the notifications tab will still affect the outcome of a gig even if they are not listed in the career panel.
Before Photos & Sending Clients Away[]
After the sim has discovered the client's likes and dislikes, the sim can take photos of the current space they want to redesign. These photos will be used in the reveal once the renovation is complete. After taking photos, the sim should send the clients away to start construction (build and buy mode will now be enabled).
In build mode, the lot trait panel will display the client's budget and their likes and dislikes and any constraints for the gig.
Constraints can include not increasing the building footprint (no additional floor tiles) and restrictions to the top or bottom floors. This will prevent the player from being able to modify certain aspects of the lot.
Paying attention to the budget, likes, and dislikes will ensure a better result.
After Photos[]
Once you enter live mode again, your sim should take new photos of what spaces they changed on the lot. Once you are ready, invite the clients back by either click on your sim or calling them from the relationship tab.
The Reveal[]
When the clients return to the lot, you have an option to start a reveal event or skip to the results.
A reveal event consists of four tasks, walking the clients to the new space, showing items off (preferably ones on the likes list), socializing, and then hearing the verdict. When the sim reveals the project, there will be a photo comparison of the before and after photos. Depending on how the clients react, the sim will gain a happy buff if going well or a tense buff if not. Once the client states they are ready to discuss (a green checkmark will show above their heads), the sim will receive either a hug, happy tears, a handshake, sad crying, or an angry lecture. Afterwards, the sim will be given the results message with their payout and whether their reputation improved or decreases.
The Reveal must be done before 9pm otherwise the gig will automatically be failed.
Reputation and Leveling Up[]
When playing as an Interior Decorator, your sim is given two bars to fill--performance and reputation. Performance is based on how well your sim does on their gigs. Reputation is the world's view of your sim as a credible designer. If a sim has a good reputation, they may receive a returning client gig or may be referred to new sims by previous clients. Other benefits of a positive reputation is your sim may receive sample products in the mail, receive thank you letters or be featured on the Interior Decorator channel's Ace of Space. A negative reputation may result in lesser jobs or a negative letter from a previous client. Once a sim reaches level 8 in the Interior Decorator career, they will gain the ability to write Interior Decorator articles which can boost or lower their reputation as well.
Promotion Levels[]
Interior Decorator Career Levels
Workplace: N/A
1) Interior Color Consultant
Your Sims’ dream of taking someone’s building and reimagining it in fun ways is starting to take shape. Every new home they enter is like a blank canvas, ready to be filled with new and interesting décor styles.
Wage: Per Gig
Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Bonus: None
Pension: Unknown
2) Interior Design Technician
Crazy Colors, Wacky ideas, Clients have some strange requests. Good thing your Sim will take those requests and turn them into a reality. Although their career is still early, there is a lot of potential for creativity with new Clients.
Wage: Per Gig
Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Bonus: §370; Issues of Interior Design Magazines
Pension: Unknown
3) Space Manager
Your Sim is moving up in the world, so much that new opportunities are presenting themselves!
Wage: Per Gig
Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Bonus: §485; New Clothes in CAS
Pension: Unknown
4) Decorating Consultant
With this promotion comes an increase in Simoleons and a little more respect in the world. Clients will listen to your ideas and not scoff, for a change!
Wage: Per Gig
Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Bonus: §600; Discuss Latest Trends Interaction
Pension: Unknown
5) Building Space Planner
Your Sim is moving up in the world, so much that new opportunities are presenting themselves! They can now accept gigs from Commercial Venues. With Commercial Venues comes potentially higher pay and different types of tasks.
Wage: Per Gig
Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Bonus: §765; Patterns and Shapes Rug, Ability to complete commercial gigs
Pension: Unknown
6) Home Organizer
Some bring happiness, others bring sadness… organize one’s life by your Sims’s three simple rules: 1. Is it safe? 2. Does it look cool 3. Will the Client like it? Words to live by.
Wage: Per Gig
Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Bonus: §900; New Clothes in CAS
Pension: Unknown
7) Home Decorator
You have made it! It’s official; the business card reads “Home Decorator” and with the title comes all the power to fix those sad, tiny living spaces.
Wage: Per Gig
Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Bonus: §1,215; New Clothes in CAS
Pension: Unknown
8) Business Interior Designer
Your Sims has been officially recognized for the design vision and expertise in the business field. The pay is obviously pretty good, but so is the potential; more Clients and more recognition can help reach even higher than before.
Whether it’s a home office or an office building or not an office at all, your Sim can decorate the brick out of it. The title says it all: “Interior Designer”. No other qualifier – they can do anything!
Wage: Per Gig
Days: S M T W T F S
Hours: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Bonus: §2,500; Suggest Bold Makeover Ideas Interaction, Ability to complete celebrity home gigs
Pension: Unknown
10) Certified Interior Designer
Your Sim is moving up in the world, so much that new opportunities are presenting themselves! They can now accept gigs from Commercial Venues. With Commercial Venues comes potentially higher pay and different types of tasks.