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The Sims 3: Ambitions
Anna-Liza Riddle
Anna-Liza Riddle
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Elder Elder
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Anna-Liza has spent her whole life buried between the pages of great mystery books... and while this has made her very well versed in the classic literary genre, it has left some of her own personal mysteries unanswered.
Education and employment
Career Retired career Retired
Family Riddle family
Marital status Single
Traits Trait Bookworm small Bookworm
Trait Perceptive small Perceptive
Trait Friendly small Friendly
Trait Lucky small Lucky
Trait Schmoozer small Schmoozer
Lifetime wish LTW Star News Anchor Star News Anchor
Favorites Fav Classical Classical
Fav Lobster Thermidor Lobster Thermidor
Fav Lilac Lilac
Hair color Haircolor7-TS3 Grey
Eye color Purple dogeye ts2 Lilac
Skin color Light skin-TS3 Light
Body shape Fat Fat
Other information
Game TS3A Icon The Sims 3: Ambitions
Playability Playable
World Twinbrook

Anna-Liza Riddle is a pre-made elder Sim who lives in Twinbrook, the neighborhood shipped with The Sims 3: Ambitions. She lives alone in Twinbrook in Rue de Sterling. When the household is first played, she is 84 days old, making her the oldest pre-made Sim in the neighbourhood; as a result, she is usually the first to die of old age.

Anna-Liza is an accomplished writer, with her specialty being writing mystery novels. Her bio implies that she has mysteries of her own that have yet to be answered because she has spent more time reading mystery novels than she has figuring them out. It is implied that she is a very nosy person, as there is a telescope in her attic that is pointed out a large window, allowing a good view of her street; this is most likely why she is enemies with most of her neighbours. Additionally, her attic also has an urn belonging to Di. L. Emma Riddle, who died of old age. Whether she is an ancestor of Anna-Liza or not is a matter of speculation, but there are some similarities between the two, such as the bookworm and perceptive traits and their facial structure.

Anna-Liza's house is much larger and contains much more furniture than she needs, having three expensive computers (including Anna-Liza's laptop), two dining tables, and a second bedroom, which seems to be decorated for a little girl. To some players, this bedroom implies that Anna-Liza wants to adopt a girl or was intending on having a child at somepoint earlier in life.

Anna-Liza is best friends with Justin Kayes, friends with Lang Gwydd, acquaintances with Gwayne Bayless and enemies with the Sargeants and Wei Keane. She has two skill points in the logic skill and five in writing and was once employed as a Professional Blogger in the Journalism career, but in order to complete her lifetime wish, she will need to rejoin the career. She carries a laptop and a book in her inventory.

Anna-Liza's name in Spanish and Portuguese (Analisa, imperative form) means "Analyze". Her name is a pun on "Analyze a riddle". She may be a parody of Agatha Christie, the English crime novelist.


Logic skill icon Logic 2
W writing skill Writing 5
Logic skill icon Logic 2
W writing skill Writing 5


The Riddle family
Anna-Liza - Di. L. Emma