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The Sims 2: FreeTime The Sims 3 The Sims 4

The activity table is a toy for toddlers and children introduced in The Sims 2: FreeTime, and also included in The Sims 3. Up to four Sims can play with it, provided they all have room to get to it. In The Sims 4, activity tables can only be used by one Sim at a time (except for the Buildems Blocks Play Table).

The Sims 2: FreeTime[]

Teeny Tikes Activity Table[]

Teeny Tikes Activity Table
A fun activity table for talented (and not so talented) teeny tikes. Up to four young ones can draw or play with blocks...fundamental skill building for adulthood. It's never to [sic] learn how to share, stack or size up the creative competition.
Game The Sims 2: FreeTime
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §200
Object type(s) Skill
Size 2x2

Toddlers and children can play with blocks, which builds Mechanical skill and Tinkering enthusiasm; or they can draw, which builds creativity skill and Arts and Crafts enthusiasm. However, they will not be able to draw if all accessible drawing pads have completed drawings. Children and older Sims can clean the table up, which will put the blocks away and clear the drawing pads, or they can scrap individual drawings. This adds a small amount of Cleaning skill, but often reduces Fun. In Buy or Build mode, the drawings can be picked up with the Hand tool, and can be hung on the wall.

Toddlers can build relationships with one another by playing together at the table, but this will be slow unless they have learned to talk.


The activity table included with FreeTime is not recolorable, but a recolorable replacement for it, along with some recolors, can be found at Mod The Sims.

The Sims 3[]

Activity tables in The Sims 3 are very similar to the Teeny Tikes Activity Table, they look similar, and they all cost around §200. However, activity tables only allow toddlers and children to play with blocks. Children can build the Blocks secret skill by playing with them. When they grow up into teenagers, the Blocks secret skill will transfer into Handiness skill. The Blocks secret skill goes up to level 3.

Genesis Building Blocks[]

Genesis Building Blocks
Game The Sims 3
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §200
Object type(s) Skill
Size 1x1

Creation and destruction — every young child's dream! Let them expand their creative sides by building fantastic architectural structures, then exercise their tiny tot frustrations with a chaotic blow. Yay! It's blocks time!

Fun: 4

Animal Friends Activity Table[]

Animal Friends Activity Table
Game The Sims 3 Store
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §220
Object type(s) Skill
Size 1x1

Children will love the four cheerful animal characters peeking up at them from the top of this fun activity table. This colorful square shaped table is the perfect size and height for your child to work, create, and play on. It is sure to brighten up any child's bedroom or play area.

Fun: 4

Fantasy Activity Table[]

Fantasy Activity Table
Fantasy Activity Table
Game The Sims 3 Store
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §225
Object type(s) Skill
Size 1x1

Little Sims grow up too fast, let them indulge their childhood a little while longer with this fantastical activity table.

Fun: 4

Straight Lines Activity Table[]

Straight Lines Activity Table
Straight Lines Activity Table
Game The Sims 3 Store
Buyability Buy mode
Price in game §325
Object type(s) Skill
Size 1x1

Create a nursery for the ages! Dress your little one in brand new outfits and decorate your nursery with furniture made for the discerning baby. The included Gift of Speech Baby Monitor will allow your baby to communicate his wants and needs, and, if those needs happen to be a bath or a diaper change, the Dirty No More Changing and Bathing Station has got you covered! Get ready to take your nursery to the next level with the Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes set!

Fun: 5

Block n' Roll[]

Block n' Roll
Game The Sims 3 Store
Buyability Crafted
Selling price §200
Object type(s) Skill
Size 1x1

Fun: 4
Notes: This activity table is not available in buy mode, and can only be crafted using The Titanic Toy Machine from The Sims 3 Store. Once crafted, it can be sold for §200.

The Sims 4[]

Activity tables are reintroduced in the base game. The main difference to older games is that only one Sim can use them at a time, and that toddlers cannot interact with them. Children can use these tables to create various drawings and decorations that can be displayed on walls or sold. The Sims 4: Seasons adds season and holiday related crafts for children to draw. Using an activity table builds the creativity skill.

In addition to adding a regular activity table, The Sims 4: Parenthood also adds a play table that functions differently, where Sims play with blocks instead of draw. Playing with blocks builds the motor skill for children and the logic skill for older Sims. Even though it is categorized as a children's toy, older Sims can play with it without any children present.

Creative Art Thou Activity Table[]

Creative Art Thou Activity Table
Creative Art Thou Activity Table
Child prodigy... or just the lucky owner of a Creative Art Thou Activity Table? Unlock your children's genius and keep them positively busy with this pre-assembled table and chair set. Materials and talent not included.
Game The Sims 4
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §300
Object type(s) Skill
Size 1x2

Fun: 6

+ Creativity skill

BroHill Kids Activity Wonderland[]

BroHill Kids Activity Wonderland
BroHill Kids Activity Wonderland
Not only will this table bring countless hours of joy, skill building, and amusement to your kids, but it's actually something simple enough for you to put together in a single afternoon without you breaking down and loudly swearing in front of the little ones, destroying half the legs when trying to screw them on, or ultimately questioning your existence. And that is worth the asking price alone.
Game The Sims 4: Parenthood
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §300
Object type(s) Skill
Size 1x2

Fun: 6

+ Creativity skill

Buildems Blocks Play Table[]

Buildems Blocks Play Table
Buildems Blocks Play Table
Buildems Blocks and feet are natural enemies. Much pain occurs when the two meet. The Buildems Blocks Play Table solves this problem by providing an elevated place surface to construct your Buildems Blocks play sets.
Game The Sims 4: Parenthood
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §320
Object type(s) Skill
Size 2x2

Fun: 6

+ Imagination skill
+ Logic skill
+ Motor skill

The object's in-game description says that it can only be used by toddlers (and that it builds their imagination skill). However, toddlers are unable to use the object until older Sims have finished building a structure on it. At that point, it functions much like a dollhouse.

Cranimals Activity Table[]

Cranimals Activity Table
Cranimals Activity Table
Crayons and a healthy imagination for four-legged friends is all it takes for a child to enjoy the Cranimals Activity Table, even if they produce a drawing that only a parent could love.
Game The Sims 4: My First Pet Stuff
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §325
Object type(s) Skill
Size 1x2

Fun: 6

+ Creativity skill

Tis The Season Kid's Activity Table[]

Tis The Season Kid's Activity Table
Tis The Season Kid's Activity Table
Give the kiddos something thematically appropriate to draw or create during the holidays. Or during any season. Really, kids will draw anything. But with this table, they'll make things like Snow Pals, Turkeys, or Trees.
Game The Sims 4: Seasons
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §300
Object type(s) Skill
Size 1x2

Fun: 6

+ Creativity skill

Mother Earth's Activity Table[]

Mother Earth's Activity Table
Mother Earth's Activity Table
With Mother Earth's Activity Table, let nature be your crafty kid's canvas for creativity!
Game The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §135
Object type(s) Skill
Size 1x2

Fun: 6

+ Creativity skill

Oooo! Activity Table[]

Oooo! Activity Table
Oooo! Activity Table
Remember the good ole days when water didn't come in bottles and kids didn't stare at screens all day? We can't either... but this activity table will help anyway! Treat your little ones to a craft-filled play center designed to inspire focus and fun. Packed with supplies, this table ensures a relaxing time for adults while the kids are busy, very busy.
Game The Sims 4: Snowy Escape
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §275
Object type(s) Skill
Size 1x2

Fun: 6

+ Creativity skill

Crafty Little Car Activity Table[]

Crafty Little Car Activity Table
Who needs a fancy new activity table when some imagination and a little cardboard can create something entirely new.
Game The Sims 4: Little Campers Kit
Buyability Build mode
Price in game §250
Object type(s) Skill
Size 1x2

+ Creativity skill

