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The Sims 3: Showtime
Abigail Best
Abigail Best
Gender Female Female
Age TS3-Child Child
Life state CAS Human icon Sim
Abigail is a tomboy who knows what she wants and has no trouble letting others know when things aren't going her way. Even as a toddler, she had a fascination with automobiles and never cared for a pink dress, opting instead for jeans and a t-shirt. Instead of playing with dolls she'd rather be out throwing the football or getting dirty and eating worms. With the support of her parents to be unique, Abigail's tomboyish ways are unlikely to change.
Family Best family
Parents Evan Best, Catherine Best
Siblings Mandy Best Older Sister, Calvin Best Older Brother, Maria Best Younger Sister, Unborn baby Best Younger Sibling
Traits Trait Over-Emotional small Over-Emotional
Trait Vehicle Enthusiast small Vehicle Enthusiast
Trait Athletic small Athletic
Zodiac sign AriesLN Aries
Favorites Fav Electronica Electronica
Fav Tri-Tip Steak Tri-Tip Steak
Fav Grey Grey
Hair color Haircolor1-TS3 Blonde
Eye color Eye-blue Blue
Skin color Tan skin-TS3 Tan
Body shape Thin Thin
Other information
Game TS3ST Icon The Sims 3: Showtime
Playability Playable
World Starlight Shores

Abigail Best is a pre-made playable child Sim residing in Starlight Shores, the world shipped with The Sims 3: Showtime. She lives with her large family, which consists of her grandfather, Paul, her parents, Evan and Catherine, her two older siblings, Mandy and Calvin, and her younger sister, Maria, with her mother pregnant with her second younger sibling at the start of the game. She is described as a tomboy who is supported of her choice of lifestyle by her parents.

Abigail is seven days away from becoming a teen, has not learned any skills and carries a book and a baseball in her inventory. Unlike the rest of her family, she's not enemies with anyone in the Gooder family because she has never met them.
