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Niet te verwarren met Levenswens (De Sims 3) of Doel.

De levenswens werd geïntroduceerd in De Sims 2: Studentenleven ter uitbreiding van de wens. Het is een speciaal soort verlangen waardoor het leven van een Sim als "compleet" beschouwd wordt indien vervuld.

Peuters en kinderen hebben geen levenswensen, nadat zij opgroeien tot tieners en hun wens gekozen hebben, wordt hun levenswens willekeurig voor hen gekozen. Als een regel wordt er pas een levenswens gekozen voor een Sim nadat;

  1. Een verlangen vervuld is
  2. De speler het spel opslaat, naar het buurtscherm gaat en vervolgens terugkeert naar het huishouden.

Levenswensen zijn over het algemeen erg moeilijk om te vervullen in een normale levensduur van een Sim. Indien vervuld, krijgt de Sim een grote hoeveelheid wens- en invloedspunten. Vervolgens krijgen ze een andere levenswens.

Zonder het Vrije Tijd uitbreidingspakket krijgen Sims die hun levenswens voltooid hebben een platina wensmeter. Hierdoor krijgen ze permanent een platina humeur en krijgen ze een permanente platina status. Als Vrije Tijd wel is geïnstalleerd wordt deze permanente platina status alleen geactiveerd indien de Sim een levenslange wensmeter. Het verhoogd echter wel de wensmeter tot platina-niveau en zal vervolgens heel langzaam terugzakken.

Lijst van Levenswensen[]

Afbeelding Levenswens Wens Wenspunten Invloeds-
Speldialoog/Beschrijving UP
Gouden bruiloft vieren Gouden bruiloft vieren Familie 25.000 10.000 Your Sim wants to celebrate a golden anniversary with their chosen spouse. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure to keep the two Sims' lifetime and short term relationship scores high, and watch out for the temptations of cheating.
The Sims 2 University Icon
3 kinderen zien afstuderen 3 kinderen zien afstuderen Familie 25.000 10.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to see several of their children graduate from college. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. To help children get into college and graduate, first make sure they study to prepare for college, and then continue going to class and completing college assignments. Look in the Relationship Panel to see which Sims are your Sim's children.
The Sims 2 University Icon
6 kinderen zien trouwen 6 kinderen zien trouwen Familie 25.000 10.000 Sims love a wedding, and this Sim's lifelong dream is to marry off this many of their children! When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Look in the Relationship Panel to see which Sims are your Sim's children. To have your Sim's child get married, select either of the happy couple and click on the other to choose "Propose" and then "Marriage". The Sims 2 University Icon
6 kleinkinderen krijgen 6 kleinkinderen krijgen Familie 25.000 10.000 Some Elder Sims measure life by how many grandchildren they have. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. To get this many grandchildren, your Sim's children will need to spend a lot of time Trying for a Baby, or will need to Adopt several Sims. Look in the Relationship Panel to see which Sims are your Sim's children.
The Sims 2 University Icon
20 puppy's of kittens zien opgroeien 20 puppy's of kittens zien opgroeien Familie 25.000 5.000 This Sim has a life long desire to raise this many adorable, cute puppies and kittens! When this want is fulfilled this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. To raise puppies or kittens, obtain them through adoption or breeding, then take care of them and nurture them until they grow into adults!
The Sims 2 Pets Icon
Veel geld verdienen §100.000 verdienen Rijkdom 25.000 10.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to earn an unbelievably large amount of money in their lifetime. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime.
The Sims 2 University Icon
5 topzaken bezitten 5 topzaken bezitten Rijkdom
25.000 Geen This Sim has a life long desire to own this many Top-Level Businesses! When this want is fulfilled this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. To improve the Rank of your Sim's businesses, build the Customer Loyalty Stars of your Sim's customers. You can see how many more Stars your Sim's Businesses need by looking in the Business Information panel in the Business Tracker.
The Sims 2 Open for Business Icon
6 huisdieren de top van een carriere laten bereiken 6 huisdieren de top van een carrière laten bereiken Rijkdom 25.000 5.000 This Sim has a life long desire for this many pets to reach the top level of their career! When this want is fulfilled this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. To have your Sim find a job for a pet, click on a Newspaper or Computer and choose "Find Pet Job for ..." for the pet you want to start working. Keep them in a good mood and make good decisions and eventually they will rise to the top!
The Sims 2 Pets Icon
7 vaardigheden maximaal beheersen 7 vaardigheden maximaal beheersen Kennis 25.000 10.000 Your Sim has a lifelong dream to maximize their skills in this many areas. Different objects build different skills; you can see which skill an object builds by looking at the object's description in the Buy Catalog.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Tegelijkertijd 20 beste vrienden hebben Tegelijkertijd 20 beste vriend(inn)en hebben Populariteit 25.000 10.000 Your Sim has a lifelong dream to build a huge network of Best Friends. Free up enough of your Sim's time to build lifetime relationships with this many Sims to above 50, and then work to keep them there. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Beste vrienden met 20 huisdieren Beste vrienden met 20 huisdieren Populariteit 25.000 5.000 This Sim has a life long desire to have this many simultaneous pet best friends! When this want is fulfilled this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Your Sim will have to work to maintain high relationships with all these pets. You can check the relationships by looking at the Relationship Panel.
The Sims 2 Pets Icon
Tegelijkertijd 20 liefjes hebben Tegelijkertijd 20 liefjes hebben Romantiek 25.000 10.000 Your Sim's lifelong dream is to have this many Lovers at one time. To have all these Lovers at once, spend the time to keep lifetime relationships with these Sims above 70 at the same time. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Ojaa! met 20 verschillende Sims Ojaa! met 20 verschillende Sims Romantiek 25.000 10.000 This Sim has a lifelong desire to WooHoo with this many Sims! When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. To do this in one short Sim lifetime, make the time to build relationships with all these Sims high enough to make those WooHoos possible. To have your Sim do a WooHoo with another Sim, you'll need to get both Sims into a Hot Tub or a Double Bed. Then click on the other Sim and choose "Cuddle" and then "WooHoo".
The Sims 2 University Icon
50 eerste dates hebben 50 eerste dates hebben Genot 25.000 5.000 There are plenty of Sims in the Sea and this Sim has a lifelong dream to catch this many of them. To achieve this, make sure your Sim is out meeting new Sims and getting to know them well enough to ask them out. Click on a Sim select "Ask... On Date" to get started. When this want is fulfilled this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime.
The Sims 2 Nightlife Icon
50 droomdates hebben 50 droomdates hebben Genot 25.000 5.000 This Sim has a life long desire to have this many Dream Dates! When this want is fulfilled this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. To have your Sim ask another Sim on a Date, just click on that Sim and choose "On Date" under the "Ask..." interaction. Build the Date Score all the way up to "Dream" status by doing things both your Sim and their date like to do.
The Sims 2 Nightlife Icon
200 tosti's eten 200 tosti's eten Tosti 25.000 5.000 Grilled Cheese! Grilled Cheeese! GRILLED CHEEEESE!!!!!
The Sims 2 Nightlife Icon
Levende legende worden Levende legende worden Rijkdom
25.000 10.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Athletics career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Athletic career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Magnaat worden Magnaat worden Rijkdom 25.000 10.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Business career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Business career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Crimineel meesterbrein worden Crimineel meesterbrein worden Rijkdom
25.000 10.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Crime career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Crime career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Sterrenkok worden Sterrenkok worden Geot
25.000 10.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Culinary career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Culinary career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Commissaris held worden Commissaris held(in) worden Familie
25.000 10.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Law Enforcement career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Law Enforcement Career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Chef de clinique worden Chef de clinique worden Rijkdom
25.000 10.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Medical career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Medical career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Generaal worden Generaal worden Populariteit 25.000 10.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Military career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Military career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Gekke geleerde worden Gekke geleerde Kennis 25.000 10.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Science career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Science Career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Burgemeester worden Burgemeester worden Populariteit 25.000 10.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Politics career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Politics career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Professionele partygast worden Professionele partygast worden Genot
25.000 10.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Slacker career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Slacker career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Mogul worden Directeur worden Rijkdom
25.000 10.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Entertainment career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Entertainment career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
Game ontwerper worden Rijkdom
25.000 10.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Game Development career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Game Development career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
Ruimtepiraat worden Ruimtepiraat worden Rijkdom
25.000 5.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Adventure career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Adventure career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 Seasons Icon
Minister van onderwijs worden Minister van onderwijs worden Familie
25.000 5.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Education career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Education career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 Seasons Icon
Game ontwerper worden Gameontwerper worden Kennis
25.000 5.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Gamer career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Gamer career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 Seasons Icon
Mediamagnaat worden Mediamagnaat worden Kennis
25.000 5.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Journalism career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Journalism career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 Seasons Icon
De wet worden De wet worden Rijkdom
25.000 5.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Law career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Law career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 Seasons Icon
Rockgod worden Rockgod worden Populariteit
25.000 5.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Music career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Music career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 Seasons Icon
Stadsplanner worden Stadsplanner worden Rijkdom
25.000 5.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Architecture career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Architecture career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 FreeTime Icon
Balletdanser van wereldklasse worden Balletdanser van wereldklasse worden Rijkdom
25.000 5.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Dance career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Dance career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 FreeTime Icon
Illusionist worden Illusionist worden Rijkdom
25.000 5.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Entertainment career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Entertainment career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 FreeTime Icon
Hoofd scia worden Hoofd SCIA worden Rijkdom
25.000 5.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Intelligence career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Intelligence career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 FreeTime Icon
Hand van poseidon worden De hand van poseidon worden Rijkdom
25.000 5.000 This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Oceanography career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Oceanography career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 FreeTime Icon

Geschrapte Levenswensen[]

Deze levenswensen waren eerst beschikbaar in hun bijbehorende uitbreidingspakketten, maar zijn met de komst van latere pakketten geschrapt. Nu zijn ze alleen nog in de game strings te vinden. De levenswensen van Studentenleven zijn het bereiken van de top in universiteitscarrières, standaard volwassen Sims kunnen deze echter niet krijgen. De levenswensen uit Huisdieren zijn hetzelfde als de huidige levenswensen, alleen de bijbehorende getallen zijn anders.

Afbeeldingen Levenswens Speldialoog/Beschrijving UP
6 kinderen zien trouwen 6 kinderen een samenlevingscontract zien krijgen Sims love a wedding, and this Sim's lifelong dream is to see this many of their children joined! When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of their lifetime. Look in the Relationship Panel to see which Sims are your Sim's children. To have your Sim's child get married, select either of the happy couple and click on the other to choose "Propose" and then "Joined Union".
The Sims 2 University Icon
6 kinderen die ontvoerd door aliens worden 6 kinderen die ontvoerd door aliens worden This Sim has a lifelong dream for his or her children to understand cosmic mysteries. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Look in the Relationship Panel to see which Sims are your Sim's children.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Sekteleider worden Sekteleider worden This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Paranormal career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Paranormal career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Milieugoeroe worden Milieugoeroe worden This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Natural Science career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Natural Science career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Filmlegende worden Filmlegende worden This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Show Business career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Show Business career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 University Icon
Visionair worden Visionair worden This Sim has a lifelong dream to be the best in the Artist career. When this want is fulfilled, this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Make sure this Sim is in the Artist career track and is building the right skills and making friends in order to get promoted. Look at the Job Panel to see how many friends and which skills are needed for promotion.
The Sims 2 University Icon
10 huisdieren de top van een carriere laten bereiken 10 huisdieren de top van een carriere laten bereiken This Sim has a life long desire for this many pets to reach the top level of their career! When this want is fulfilled this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. To have your Sim find a job for a pet, click on a Newspaper or Computer and choose "Find Pet Job for ..." for the pet you want to start working. Keep them in a good mood and make good decisions and eventually they will rise to the top!
The Sims 2 Pets Icon
15 huisdieren de top van een carriere laten bereiken 15 huisdieren de top van een carriere laten bereiken This Sim has a life long desire for this many pets to reach the top level of their career! When this want is fulfilled this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. To have your Sim find a job for a pet, click on a Newspaper or Computer and choose "Find Pet Job for ..." for the pet you want to start working. Keep them in a good mood and make good decisions and eventually they will rise to the top!
The Sims 2 Pets Icon
Beste vrienden met 10 huisdieren Beste vrienden met 10 huisdieren This Sim has a life long desire to have this many simultaneous pet best friends! When this want is fulfilled this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Your Sim will have to work to maintain high relationships with all these pets. You can check the relationships by looking at the Relationship Panel.
The Sims 2 Pets Icon
Beste vrienden met 15 huisdieren Beste vrienden met 15 huisdieren This Sim has a life long desire to have this many simultaneous pet best friends! When this want is fulfilled this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. Your Sim will have to work to maintain high relationships with all these pets. You can check the relationships by looking at the Relationship Panel.
The Sims 2 Pets Icon
10 puppy's of kittens zien opgroeien 10 puppy's of kittens zien opgroeien This Sim has a life long desire to raise this many adorable, cute puppies and kittens! When this want is fulfilled this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. To raise puppies or kittens, obtain them through adoption or breeding, then take care of them and nurture them until they grow into adults!
The Sims 2 Pets Icon
15 puppy's of kittens zien opgroeien 15 puppy's of kittens zien opgroeien This Sim has a life long desire to raise this many adorable, cute puppies and kittens! When this want is fulfilled this Sim will achieve Platinum Aspiration for the rest of his or her lifetime. To raise puppies or kittens, obtain them through adoption or breeding, then take care of them and nurture them until they grow into adults!
The Sims 2 Pets Icon